Right. I know this is done easily through formulas, but I would prefer to do it within the macro, since I will be running the macro for other purposes once new data is added to the spreadsheet.
Thanks for the response Skip.
Sorry for being a little unclear in my previous posting.
I have formulas in cells S2:Y2. So if there is a date in, say, cells A3:A70, I would like the macro to automatically fill down cells S3:S70. However, the last cell that has a date will change from week to...
I would like to be able to fill down 7 fields in a row for each row that has a date in another field. I want it to stop filling when there is not a date in comlumn A. I would like to do this as part of a macro (that I already created), but I am not very familiar with how to set a range...
I'm not very VBA saavy, and I'm having a very hard time on figuring something out, so hopefully someone can help me.
I have 2 forms, one called "Information" where you input customer information & this is stored in a table. Then there is another "Main" form which has...
I have one form where you input customer information, and then another main form, with a command button which prints the report of all of the new customer information inputed onto labels. I am trying to add a list box to the customer info form for the desired number of copies to print of that...
I have one form where you input customer information, and then another main form, with a command button which prints the report of all of the new customer information inputed onto labels. I am trying to add a list box to the customer info form for the desired number of copies to print of that...
But if on my spreadsheet, the names for all of those ranges are in column C, than every instance should be (r, 3), right?
I guess I'm just all confused now...
Here is exactly what I have:
Sub ChooseName(rng As Range)
On Error Resume Next
Select Case UCase(rng.Value)
Case "OPEN"
r = Application.Match(Cells(rng.Row, 7).Value, [OpenNameRange], 0)
OK, this works, but is there anyway to be able to click on the "OPEN" or "CLOSED" in column B or C where it will then automatically take me to the row on the other worksheet where the name is listed?
OK, that is SO much easier than what I was trying to do! Thanks! Any idea on how to get the "OPEN" or "CLOSED" to link to that person's name on the other worksheet where it is located?
I have a list of people's names in one column on a worksheet called "Main". I also have 2 other worksheets, called "OpenIssues" & "ClosedIssues". I am looking for a way where I can start with the first name in the sheet "Main" and find where it is in the...
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