I have a time in B2 the is 12:8 and in C2 I have a word, iIn D2 I have another time eg, 14:56.
`I a, trying to write a formula that will check the cell and if it contains a time , copy it into B1 and the D1.
I tried chaging the format of the cell , but as you say this will change it into a...
Hello All
Can anybody help.I am trying to create a formula that will look at a cell in the next column and if it contains a time . copy the said time into this cell.
a formuka i tried modifing was
But I can't get it to work.
Cheers Steth
Good Evening Guys
Can anybody help. I have tried conditional formating but I can't seem to get it to work.
What I am trying to do is if a certain cell in column A contains the number 45684 then the next cell in column B can have the back ground colour changed, but I need to do this with...
hi guys
Can anybody help. I am trying to write a formula that will copy a cell if the 4th char is /. I have written =IF(LEFT(B2,4)="/",""), but it does not seem to work. Can you please help me by telling me where I have gone wrong.
Hi ya Skip
I am well impressed, I have never used a pivot table before and I think I will use this more often. But could you stil help me, I need to have all the information in one row, at the moment it is spread over two rows. eg.
2684558 sum of no 5
count of no 1
can it...
Good Evening
I'm stuck, can any body help?
I have used the subtotal function count and sum, see below
2649191 1
2649191 1
2649191 4
2649191 Total 6
2649191 Count 3
2649249 1
2649249 2
2649249 Total 3
2649249 Count 2
What I have been tring to do is...
What I need is in column A i have a set of data which starts with a letter and followed by a series of numbers, in column B the data is amounts to the corresponding code from column a. I am trying to write a fomula that sees the first letter of column A (which is 7 chars) and is...
Hi Guys
Could you please help. I am trying to write a formula in Excel that will count two cells that match a certain critiea.
If the first cell contains a letter followed by a number, eg B98 and the second cell just as a number eg 1102, I need to count the cells (as one) if the cell...
Hi All
Is it possible for your help. I am ttrying to compose a worksheet that will calculate the difference
Between two dates and two times.
Booking Arrival Time
Date Time Date Time Diff.
5-May 12:00 4-May 10:00 26 Hours
5-May 23:00 4-May 14:00 33 Hours
To calculate the time...
Hello All
Could anyone advise me, when I was compiling code in the VB editor in excel. I got the error message "Procedure Too Large", I am now unsure whar to do. Thank You
Hello All
I am new to the group and I have just started to learn VBA. I am sorry to ask such a simple question, but could you help.
When you record a macro in excel you have the choice of saving it in the worksheet or in your personal workbook where you can use the code in other spreadsheets...
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