I’m trying to work out a bug and I was hoping someone might have some insight.
I created an app using ADO BINDING. Seems straight forward, I’ve seen several examples from Microsoft and also used the walkthrough from Teach yourself C++ in 21 days...
From what I know, you really don't tell ADO any specifics about whether the access is local or over the net. ADO just needs to be able to resolve the computer name to the correct IP address. This is an issue that your network people can help with. the answer will involde mapping...
I think you "copy xyz.prn to lpt1" if the printer is local. You may also want to use a batch file. You may have a little more control over things.
good luck,
Yes, it is possible. I would start by using a MSFlexGrid (because it allows free selection). and use the grid in unbound mode since it is faster and you do not require editing.
Hope this helps (a little).
good luck,
Don't really have an answer, but if you are not relying on the functionality of the validate event to cancel the lost focus you may try moving your code to the LostFocus event. Just a though ... I hate to see these issues sit for a long time.
Also consider placing code in the gotfocus...
There must be a way to determine the number of pages using API calls. The question is just whether Adobe gives you enough info about thier DLL's and OCX's to use them (try Adobe SDK). Sorry, I am not giving you the answer, but I hope this lets you know you are looking in the right...
That is the first thing that came to my mind ... you may have to do some manually cunkin to figure out the "NOT IN" clause.
good luck,
Not sure I understand, but look into the Forms collection. Collections can be very powerful when you are unsure as to what is out there.
good luck,
Maybe try to shell a batch file that contains the commands you want to run. This goes bake to the DOS days. Basically create a text file with a .bat extension, inside the batch file you can do anything you like. Batch programming is very powerful and can include not just command to...
Should work. What you will need to do is something like this:
rs.Movefirst ''' Seem to get into trouble sometimes if I don't use this
rs.Find(Left$(string1,len(trim$(string1))), 0, adSearchForward, adBookmarkFirst)
Then depending on how the grid is setup bound or unbound, sorted or...
Check and see if crpaig32.dll has any dependencies. There is a tool in visual studio to help with this. Maybe your setup program did not detect all the dependencies automatically. Trying to manually register the dll using regsvr32.exe may also shed some light (Start || Run ||regsvr32...
Form what i gather a touch screen is just like a mouse. when the user touches the screen. The screen is just sending a click event to you application. So there is really nothing special about a touch screen ... just treat it like a mouse.
In other words the user should be able to click...
/Per thanks for your response.
Yes, I did try your suggestion ... I was crossing my fingers as I hit F7. But it still did not work.
After a day of tinkering. I found the issue was related to where I (or C++) placed the following code.
void CALLBACK TimerHit(HWND hwnd, UINT Msg, UINT...
Hi All,
I am trying to initialize a timer within an ATL COM Service. I am having a little problem and I could use some help. This issue is about the CALLBACKS function.
I have wrapped the SetTimer and KillTimer around the Message loop like so:
// Start the timer before the message loop
If you declare the function as Public rather that Private it should have scope throughout your application.
Public Sub Mod_DoSomething()
End Sub
good luck,
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