its strange, that looks like my code, i have never seen this problem before, and i have run plenty of similar queries, like i said, it works for BuiltWeek, but not ShippedWeek which would seem to indicate a problem in the data, but when i sort the data by hand in the table, it comes out correct...
hello, in one of my projects i run a query on a database and place the result in a new table. the result is supposed to be sorted by one of two fields, my code looks like:
sSQL = sSQL & strRetNo & "ORDER BY T4R."
if optBuilt.value = true...
yeah, i ended up doing this another way, everyone here uses office 97 and has JET 3.51, so a few of the features didnt work. i got access to the database and queried it directly to create the sums that i needed, much easier.
ok, this is what i have:
Set tdef = db.CreateTableDef("NewShipData2")
tdef.Connect = "Excel 97;Datebase=" & strFile
tdef.SourceTableName = Mid(strFile, intx + 1, Len(strFile) - 4 - intx)
db.TableDefs.Append tdef
i get a "Couldn't find installable ISAM" error, i...
good call, i am looking into this and will let you know how it goes. finding the code to create a new table that is linked to an excel spreadsheet is a little hard though, so if anyone knows off the top of their head i would appreciate it if you could share it.
also...with a linked object how do i query the excel spreadsheet? is that even possible, i searched high and low and haven't found anything on running a query on a linked excel object. maybe i'm looking in the wrong places, but a few questions come up. for example, what would i use as the...
thanks for the suggestion, that is one of the solutions i am looking into. it should work, but does anyone know if working with a linked object will slow it down because efficiency is a major issue with this program.
i am writing an application in access and have to import a lot of data from excel. right now i am using the transferspreadsheet method to import the data to a table, but when i open the table there are fewer records than there are when i open the spreadsheet in excel. the only thing i can...
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