I m using checkboxes on a userform
If the checkbox is true
A target workbook must be opened and some data from a source workbook has to be copied and pasted into the target workbook
I used a for next loop to check how many checkboxes are true:
For Each Ctl In UserForm2.Controls
I want to copy some values from a row and paste them into a column.
It will be used for a monthly report. After pressing a button the values of the row from the monthly report must be selected and pasted into a column of another workbook for further analysis
I m new here and just found this great site.
My problem
I want to make a selection of non-contiguous cells
The selection varies daily
So m i m using a active cell for the selection proces
i want to select the activecell + the range of (the cell starting 2 cells next of the active cell)...
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