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Search results for query: *

  1. martin123123

    strange debugging behaviour

    any one has experienced this? when i add a breakpoint and step line by line in the code, it sometimes ignore a line or two. the blue dots at the left side of the code are also very misplaced, and lots of them are placed at blank lines. And other lines with execution code doesn't have a dot at...
  2. martin123123

    MouseOver event on a listview?

    I see that TListView does not have a mouseover event. Is it possible to modify TListView and implement a mouseover event that knows when mouse is over each element in the listview?
  3. martin123123

    execute a file on another pc

    how do I do this? It seems that my 'Shell' or 'ShellExecute' methods don't work when the file is on another machine. PS. I don't want to map a network drive
  4. martin123123

    using a component

    I searched the net for cab components and I found this: Aravil CAB Components v.1.20 which is found here: http://www.torry.net/compressstd.htm Im planning to use this in my app, but the problem is... how? *First, I downloaded the file and unzipped it *There were four source files which I...
  5. martin123123

    passing recordsets as parameter in a sub

    Im using option explicit. It's a global and im using the dim statement. changed it now to public. The sub need to have a recordset parameter because it is called several times. I have three recordsets and the sub needs to know which to use every time it is called. anyway, I've sort of figured...
  6. martin123123

    passing recordsets as parameter in a sub

    it doesn't work! i declare this as a global dim Person as ADODB.RecordSet Set Person = New ADODB.Recordset Person.Open sql, myConnection Fill_list Person and the fill_list sub looks like this: private sub fill_list(ByRef Person as ADODB.Recordset) begin end sub The debugger stops when I...
  7. martin123123

    passing recordsets as parameter in a sub

    you see, when i try what you describe in my code, i get ByRef Argument Type Mismatch error... don't know why
  8. martin123123

    passing recordsets as parameter in a sub

    but does it work with an already opened recordset?
  9. martin123123

    passing recordsets as parameter in a sub

    how can i do this. when i try, i only get the error subscript out of range. i call the sub Fill_List myRecordSet the declaration looks like this private sub Fill_List(ByVal r as Recordset) (i've tried byref too..) begin ...bla.bbla...bla... End Sub I get an error when i try to do something...
  10. martin123123

    run time error 217

    yes, i'll try that richardchaven!
  11. martin123123

    run time error 217

    my code is like 8 units so it's pretty big... but when I just create a button which only will free my adoconnection after i have created and connected it, the program stalls.. this can't be right. I think I'll try what you said and writing a test application. tnks, martin
  12. martin123123

    run time error 217

    every time I close my application, I get a run-time 217 error (Exception: unknown Exception). What is this all about? I've tried searching on the internet but with no luck. I think it may have to do with my TADOConnection object. I can't free it. When I try to free it on formclose the app...
  13. martin123123

    problems with sql string when running Connection.Execute(SQLString)

    no, the order is not the answer. my querystring is much bigger and every value is in right order. I just shortened the string down when I posted it here. The problem is the datetime value.
  14. martin123123

    problems with sql string when running Connection.Execute(SQLString)

    hi everyone. there seems to be a problem when i try to execute this sentence: 'InsertSql = "insert into abolagre values('" + TXT1.Text + "'," + DateTime.Date$ + ")" Now the sql sentence will be something like this: InsertSql = "insert into abolagre...
  15. martin123123

    dll problem

    i forgot to say how i export them... function frigjor_query(var Query: TADOQuery): boolean; stdcall;export;
  16. martin123123

    dll problem

    hi everyone. i've created a dll with lots of procedures and functions in my main app, i'm trouble when predeclaring my functions from the dll here's how i declare them: function frigjor_query(var Query: TADOQuery): boolean; external 'valutadll10.dll' some of my functions work, but when i try...
  17. martin123123

    using microsoft automation components

    i forgot to tell you the way i send the data over TabGrid := VarArrayCreate([0,(R - 1),0,(C - 1)],VarOleStr); for J := 0 to (C - 1) do TabGrid[I,J] := StringGrid1.Cells[J,I]; Worksheet.Range['A1',Worksheet.Cells.Item[R,C]].Value := TabGrid;
  18. martin123123

    using microsoft automation components

    hello everyone. My app is creating a TstringGrid. I am sending this data over to a new Microsoft Excel workbook. I use the TExcelApplication.Create. The problem is that one of the columns (the 'F' column) that I send to Excel contains URL. One URL for each cell. These URLs show as plain text in...

Part and Inventory Search
