I got a new SQL Server database and are in the process of porting my Access databases to my new SQL Server. I have worked with Access and Oracle in the past but I am new to the SQL Server environment. I have a tool called ConVersion that is helping me rewrite my queries in Access into SQL...
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
It is something in my Order By that is not working with Access 2k2 but is working in Access 2k and 2k3. It is running when I take the order by out. I have been trying to solve this for a long time and I grateful that someone was able to help me out.
SELECT [TTT - Temp File with Buy as Ord].*, IIf((Int([TTT - Temp File with Buy as Ord]![CreateSOQTY3]/6)*6)<[TTT - Temp File with Buy as Ord]![CreateSOQTY3],(Int([TTT - Temp File with Buy as Ord]![CreateSOQTY3]/6)+1)*6,Int([TTT - Temp File with Buy as Ord]![CreateSOQTY3]/6)*6) AS Rounding...
I am currently experience something that is weird to me. A query is working fine for me in Access 2000 but when I or anybody else is trying to run it in Access 2002 it closes Access down completely. No warning no not just the query or the database but all of Access. Any suggestions?
Crowley16, thank you for your answer but I need the columns as they are sometimes filled with values therefor I only need them deleted for those weeks they do not have a value accompanied.
Still looking for help.
I currently have a query with 17 columns, sometimes there are only data in 14, or 15, or 16 columns and the other column(s) are left empty. Is there a way that I can delete empty columns automatically so I can set it up in a macro instead of manually check it each time.
Thanks a bunch!
Thanks Bcastner but I think you might have misunderstood my question. I can read my Windows disk it is just that when I boot it does not find my hard drive and loop back to start in safe mode no matter if I start in safe mode or regular I get back to that same screen again as it doesn't find my...
I am hoping someone can help me out. I was having problems with DLL errors for IE6 and help and tried everything that I know of to correct the error to no avail. I went for the last resort and reinstalled Windows XP Home Edition (I know this is Professional Forum but I couldn't find a...
I should also mention that [Booking Month] and [Forecasted Sale Month] should always have the same value if Booking month is 02/01/04 Forecasted Sale Month will have to be 02/01/04 as well. Thanks again!
I am sure there is a simple solution to my problem. I have the following query but I am getting duplicate records in my output if I have more then one month of input. How do I change my query not to get duplicates in my output. Do I have to write a cross tab query or what is the problem in my...
I am sorry but I am very confused. Where would I put your code and what should I take out? What is blah for? Do you think it would be possible if you post my whole SQL code with your change in it? I would really appreciate it.
Thanks a million!
I was wondering if anyone can help me change the following query to include a range. I have to change it to aggregate forecast and need include the last 4 months instead of just the last month. How do I change this to a between statement? It is the bold part that need to be date range.
Thanks Golom! Got it with your help again! You are so helpful! Thanks
FROM [170E - Report of Forecast (Forecast Accuracy Dom)]
[170E - Report of Forecast (Forecast Accuracy Intl)];
I currently have 2 queries that I need to combine one of the queries contain all the sale domestically and 1 contain all the international sale. They all include the same part numbers. I need to get all the line items in these 2 queries for my new query but my relationship choices limit me to...
This is as for as I have got with summing it by month. I am not sure why but I am getting 1 value on each line (looks almost like stairs) when I really do want to have the values on the same month if it is the same customer not one line with Jan03, one with Feb03 etc. I am not sure this make any...
I am trying to sum some different data. I have a column named [Price] and a column named [MonthDate] and a third with [Customer] I want to be able to sort the data out so that it sums it by different criteria for different fields. How will I be able to Sum one field for only Jan ’03 Price...
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