Oh. And it is currently set to use the default directory for uploads (what the path is I do not know), nor do I know exactly what permissions to give the directory if I can find it.
Or would it be easier to just define my own directory instead of the default?
I am guessing one upload...
Cool. Progress. Now I get error messages :D Always better to have errors and error messages then just errors :)
I looked into the php.ini file and saw the HTTP uploads were disabled. So I enabled it and restarted the apache service. Now when I try and add a image I get the following...
I have tried 3 different PHP programs for creating image galleries online which let you send an image that is stored in a database directly from a web form. In all cases I get the same result. Nothing. Don't get an error, but it doesn't show up ether. I have even contacted the author of one...
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