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Search results for query: *

  1. Collin79

    Tab vs. Intro key

    Is there a way to change Tab with Intro way to navigate in a form? Thanks Collin79
  2. Collin79

    Binding labels!!!!

    Hi! Is there a way to bind a label with a value obtained from a table(in its caption) I'm using a datacombo that displays companies name and i need two values of the row, but I can obtain only the two values of the first row. I need the two values to generate an Id, code: sig =...
  3. Collin79

    Is there a way.....

    Hi everytime, thanks, it was useful
  4. Collin79

    Is there a way.....

    Hi, I'm using a DataCombo, in it, depending it's boudtext it will bind all my text box on my form, as follows: Private rsPreliminar As New ADODB.Recordset Private Sub DataCombo1_LostFocus() If DataCombo1.BoundText = "GNP" Then 'Open recordset directly With rsPreliminar...
  5. Collin79


    Hi! I'm using a form with 3 Adodc, I have a problem: Record1 IDcomp:GNP Address: Main St. Ofnumber: 2 Record2 IDcomp: SCA address: 5th Av Ofnumber: 4 etc. In a data combo I choose the company name, and I just store its Idcomp (in boundtext property), I need to obtain its Ofnumber in a...
  6. Collin79

    Runtime error "3704"

    No, I'm not using a Grid, I have done a form, in it I'm using a Data Combo, which shows companies name, depending of its Bound Text I need to change the Datafield and DataMember. DataSource is the same for all objects (Dataenvironment1) If DataCombo1.BoundText = "GNP" Then...
  7. Collin79

    Runtime error "3704"

    Hey Antzz Thanks for your info, but I'm new on Visual Basic, so How I can set the recordsource object? I need to do it with code or Do I need to build an object on my form? Collin79
  8. Collin79

    Dataenvironment Object

    Hi I'm using Dataenvironment to work with an Access Database, my question is how can I create an object or control to manipulate my records? (you know, next, last, etc.) I've tried with ADODC, Data, but I just can manipulate the database connection directly to Acces Hope you help me Thanks...
  9. Collin79

    Runtime error "3704"

    The error goes to this line: Dataenvironment1.recordsource.AddNew
  10. Collin79

    Runtime error "3704"

    Hi: I'm designing a form, in it I've done a command Buttom that it should save the captured data to an Access Database and I've wrote this code: Private Sub Command1_Click() If DataCombo1.BoundText = "GNP" Then Dataenvironment1.rsGNP.AddNew Dataenvironment1.rsGNP.Update ElseIf...
  11. Collin79

    Data Combo Object

    Hey, it's working ok, thanks to all that help me Collin79
  12. Collin79

    Data Combo Object

    Any hint??
  13. Collin79

    Data Combo Object

    About Datasource: It's the same for all objects, I'm using Dataenvironment1 Any hint? Thanks Collin79
  14. Collin79

    Data Combo Object

    Thanks all: The error occurs over this line: DataCombo1.DataField = Company with this error: Compile error: type mismatch and I can see highlighted .Datafield
  15. Collin79

    Data Combo Object

    Hi!! I'm using a Data Combo object with this code: Private Sub DataCombo1_LostFocus() If DataCombo1.BoundText = "GNP" Then DataCombo1.DataMember = rpGNP DataCombo1.DataField = Company ElseIf DataCombo1.BoundText = "SCA" Then DataCombo1.DataMember = rpSCA...
  16. Collin79

    Month(date) and Year(date)

    Hi! I need the Month and Year of the date system, I'm using Month(date) and Year(date) function and it works ok, but in month I need two digits (february=02 not 2) and in year I need two digits too (01 not 2001) I've tried with Format() but I can't do that, any hint? Thanks Collin79
  17. Collin79

    Save Buttom

    edderic: I'm working with DAO I've been reading the Programmer's Guide and I've used this on Save Button_click: Set text1.Datasource= Data1 text1.Datafield= employee But I can't do that it works Any comment? Collin79
  18. Collin79

    Save Buttom

    Hi! I'm new programing in VB, and I have a question, I'm using a combo box, depending of it's selected value, I'll use a table from an Access database, but I need to do a command that saves all the data captured, How can I do it, in Fox Pro I used to use the Replace command, but in VB don't...
  19. Collin79

    How to bind data in a DBCombo

    Hi! I'm using a DBCombo which data source is from an access database (I have employeename and employeId fields in my table), in the dbCombo I must display employee name but I need to store his ID, How can I do that? Any hint or tip will be ok, Thanks Collin79
  20. Collin79

    MDI Forms Syncroniza data

    Hello! I'm working with a form, in this, I've done a checkbox, if its value = 1 it will open a subform, it works ok, but I don't know how to synchronize data, I've done relationships in data enviroment with tables' IDs, any tip or hint will be helpful Thanks Collin79

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