I have a customer who is not willing to give me an admin previllages to register ocx files. They want me to go to their place just to register ocx files.
Any other alternatives to register ocx without having administrator previllages.
Thanks for your reply.
Table MasterKey contains 8812 records
Table Data contains 18259 records
Table Tmage contains 17348 records
Total # of recordset in 3 Tables are: 44419
I tried executing both of the following queries:
SELECT Images.Path...
I tried dropping prantheses but still it did not get rid of the following error:
ERROR 1104: The SELECT would examine more rows than MAX_JOIN_SIZE. Check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is ok
Thanks for your reply
I get an error when I try to execute the following query:
SELECT DISTINCT Images.Path, MasterKey.MasterKey
FROM (MasterKey INNER JOIN Data ON MasterKey.MasterKey=Data.MasterKey) INNER JOIN Images ON MasterKey.MasterKey=Images.MasterKey
WHERE Data.SystemCode='AP2' AND...
I am new to MySQL.
I am unable to figure out this error.
Error :" [Inhouse linux box] ERROR 1104: The SELECT would examine more rows than MAX_JOIN_SIZE. Check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is ok "
I have edited the MySQL options...
I am getting True as a value of the following formula instead of numeric value;
numbervar i:=1;
for i := 1 to count({?EmpNos}) step 1 do
Hi, I am trying to pass numeric range vaules using number parameter field and then use them in record selection.
The problem is I would like numbers to be from
x to x
or x to _
or _ to x
or _ to _. (_ : denotes any number)
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