hey guys. I need some help on a query that I'm have a lot of problems with.
I have the following two tables. There's a 1 to many relationship between the two tables.
ID Project
=== =======
1 Testing
2 Planning
3 Development
ID StatusDate Status
hey guys, i have a problem here i can't figure.
I have a form where the user will be making a record entry for the first time ever. once the entry is made they have to exit the form. i don't want them to access any other record including a new empty one. I've taken out all the controls to do...
hey guys, i'm trying to save a record on a form even before the entire for is filled out. As soon as the primary key is filled out i want it to automatically save the record.
i'm running the code to save on the afterupdate event
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, ...
Hey guys, i was wondering if this was possible or not. I have a form call SearchCopy and a subform called SearchResultCopy, the subform is in datasheet view. On my form there is a listbox of all the controls on the subform. All the columns on the subform are hidden. When they are selected...
hey guys, i need some help on hiding and unhiding a form.
i created a macro and i selected the "Select Object" Action and selected a form called Login. Next i selected the action "RunCommand" and selected the command "Window Hide". That works fine to hide the...
yeah, you were right, i totally missed that. i have a field called month that that form was bounded to so it kept refering to that field instead of the month fuction. i can't believe i overlooked that. thanks a lot. problem solved.
Hey guys,
Hoping if someone can explain this to me and why i'm having a problem.
I have a form that is bound to a table. I'm using VBA to capture and store the integer # of the current month. When I run it though I keep getting the error message "Type Mismatch".
Here's my code...
Hey guys, i'm kinda stuck on this little problem which probably is easy but i can't figure it out.
I have two tables that are linked together with a primary key "ActionID" which is an auto number.
What I need to do is copy all the records that have the "Ongoing" field...
hey guys, hope you can help with this problem i'm having.
i have a table with a couple of records with a check box field called "ongoing." When this is checked, the record is to be carried over to the next year. I have to make a duplicate of the record for historical purposes...
it worked, thanks a lot guys. i kinda figured that's how ur suppose to do it but i wasn't sure if you were just suppose to retype the control name on the other side of the = n jus add or subtract from it.
Hey guys, i'm trying to figure out how you can move an object to a differnt position on a form using VBA. I don't want to use .Left =(position on screen) and designate the exact location where the object should be. I want to subtract or add a certain twip distance from/to an object's current...
hey guys. i'm stumped on a problem and i need some help. i have two tables with a 1 to many relationship. i'm need to run a query that will bring the records of the two tables together. my problem is that some records on the 1 table has many records in the many table so when i run the query...
yeah, sorry for the difficulty on my explanation. I jus didn't know how to put it into words. let me guess jus show what i have now and what i'm looking for.
Table1 Table2
P_ID ProjectName P_ID L_ID
---- ----------- ----------
P1 Project1 P1 L1
P2 Project2...
hey guys, i'm having a problem with a query that i need help.
first off i have 2 tables (1 to many relationship). I'm running the query from parameters on a form. Here's my problem.
when i run the query, since its a 1 to many relationship, some of the records are duplicates except for the...
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