I am running a number of macros that incorporate a lot of processes that often take quite a while to run. I know that we have the progress bar on the bottom of the screen but this only shows the progress of each query as it is run. I would like to be able put some kind of timer / graphic on...
I am trying to export a table to a text file, but the name of the file needs to be date / time stamped as it is continuously run. Can anyone help me with the code for this ? Thanks
I am trying to import a file to a table but the file has an extension of .01. Access won't import the file unless I change the extension to .txt first. Can I force it to import the .01 extension file as I need to avaoid any manual renaming prior to the import ?
Is there a way of creating the Form Pivot Table but only having gross tables for the rows and the columns and not for every different record in each field ?
I have a table with about 50,000 names that are used for multiple selection in a list box and then used to pull out additional contact information, however when selecting the names it can be fairly arduous due to the volume.
Is there a control for an explorer style menu where I can split the...
Hi Duane
I'm not actually trying to put the criteria into a table, but I do need to use the criteria as part of a select query to extract items out of a table.
I can get 'A' Or 'B' or alternatively [TYPE] = 'A' Or [TYPE] = 'B' into the unbound text box called [List_Status_C] but when I...
Hi Randy
Thanks for this - I have created the unbound text box so that as I now select multiple items I get a result of 'A' or 'B' Or 'C' etc. on update of the source list box
However when I pick this up as the criteria of a select statement it is not recognising the result as a criteria...
I have a customer database and I am building a select query with criteria based upon the selection of multiple records from at least 4 list boxes on a form called "Search_Select". The idea is that one or more of the list boxes is used for the extraction of the data using multiple selection...
Is it possible to create a Combo box that allows for multiple selections by holding down the control key when making the selection of the records ?
If this is possible how is this selection of records applied to a select query.
Is it possible to have a TabControl within another TabControl, but only have it appear on a single tab. When I do this the inner tabControl appears on all the main tabs ?
Even when using the basic 'Forms!M_REV.Visible' = True I am getting an error that the form M_REV cannot be found.
I have also used 'Forms!M_REV.Controls.Vsible = True' I get the same result.
Does it make any difference if the subform is part of a TabControl ?
I have combo box set up based upon a table (Maintenance)containing the subform name and various y/n fields. (one of which is to make the form visible / invisible - column 3 in the table). Each subform is merely a view of a listing table that users can update, amend or delete records.
The idea...
I need to get a message box to appear for the duration of a process and then clear itself at the end. Is there a VB clear message function or a way of putting on a timer to have the message up for say 10 seconds and then dissappear ?
Not a bad idea but the process that I'm running uses the same table each time and therefore I have to rest the autonumber within the database prior to running the sequence of processes. I did think of deleting and then using a 'Make table' to recreate it only this would loose some of the...
Is it possible to set a screen resolution for Access Forms that is independent of the screen resolutions set in Windows ?
I am having to resize forms to fit different screen resolutions between laptops and PC's.
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