This problem that I had was solved by making sure that all the com interfaces where destroyed correctly. We were able to get it to work once this was done.
I think I understand where you guys are coming from. But maybe I better elaborate a little first. I was using SetRegistryKey in order to save to the registry, the system settings that I want to be able to recall when the application loads. I use the calls to GetProfile and WriteProfile which by...
Hi there. I hope someone can help me out with this problem.
I have an app in MFC that uses SetRegistryKey to write out to the registry the system settings of my program. I want to know whether there is a way to undo this so that I can also write out to an INI file. THis will enable me to have...
I have an application that is failing under win 98. I know many ppl here don't think much of Win98, but my workplace wants our app to work under win98 also. Anyway, we have an app that uses ActiveX controls to plot a graph using GDI to do the drawing. The application can open a video preview...
Hi, I have a problem with an app that I can helping develop. This app contains a video preview dialog using directshow to show a video preview from a web cam connected via a usb port. It opens fine and displays everything, but upon closing of the dialog box, we are unable to reopen it unless we...
Hi there. I am new with Tek-Tips. I have a problem with an application we are developping. There is a video preview dialog box that I can open with a click of a button. It activates a dialog box that streams from web cam. It works on the first time I have it open. When I close it, and then try...
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