Indeed, I did have a problem with my loop count, thanks.
Well, now it seems adding message boxes in there won't stop it from crashing anymore. Are there any ways to monitor free memory from within VBA? And which statement am I using tht could hug up that much memory?
Just to make sure, I did...
When I run the following code on my Word Document:
Public Sub setTextColumns(ByRef LeDoc As Document)
Dim c As Long
Dim x As Range
For c = 2 To LeDoc.InlineShapes.Count - 1
Set x = LeDoc.Range( _
LeDoc.InlineShapes(c).Range.End + 1, _
LeDoc.InlineShapes(c +...
I've been programming Word macros for quite a short time, yet I experienced a LOT of unexpected shutdowns, which sometime occur systemically, sometimes not. I can't take the chance of having macros that might crash Word, as those will most likely be used by other people who have no...
I must set a certain range to have 3 TextColumns. The problem is that the formatting is always applied to the whole document, which is of course not what I meant to do.
Here is the code I am using right now:
Dim c As Long
Dim x As Range
For c = 2 To InlineShapes.Count...
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