I am running against SQL Server and it is an ODBC connection. The report does run correctly when a userid and password are entered manually.
I may try to play around with it a little to see if I can get things to work. Thanks for your help!
This is what my pageviewer.asp file looks like (with the username and password marked out):
<%@ Language=VBScript CodePage=65001 ENABLESESSIONSTATE = False %>
<% Option Explicit
' Note - the CodePage=65001 is needed to display Unicode text correctly in the viewer
' if Session is null for...
I copied in your entire pageviewer.asp file and still no luck. Maybe I would also need your complete interactiveviewer.asp and partsviewer.asp files for it to work? I did notice in editing my files that there were some small differences between our files.
Just for clarification, you are...
I tried adding this:
Dim userName, password
userName = "your_username"
password = "your_password"
clientDoc.DatabaseController.Logon username, password
to my InteractiveViewer.asp file as well as the partsviewer and pageviewer files, but it didn't seem to work. I still...
I am having this problem too (trying to bypass the logon screen by hardcoding userid and password values). I am working with CE9 RAS ePortfolio Lite, and I don't see any CMC from the ePortfolio Lite page. The only thing I see is the RAS Configuration Manager in my start menu, which doesn't...
I've tried this approach and it doesn't seem to work. Our reports still pop up the Database Logon screen with a request for a User Id and Password. Were you able to store the User Id in the registry as well? How does the InteractiveViewer.asp file know to look in the registry for these...
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