Well, it took a few hours but I found the problem. The name of the serial communications ports are NOT "COM1", "COM2", etc. in Win CE and Pocket PC. They are "COM1:", "COM2:", etc. The difference between Win CE and Win32 is a colon (":")...
I am working on a project on the Pocket PC platform. I
am developing the program using PenRight's MobileBuilder
with eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0. I am trying to do an modem
autodial from within my program. The only option I have
found is to use the WININET functions. I have included the...
I am working on a project on the Pocket PC platform. I
am developing the program using PenRight's MobileBuilder
with eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0. I am trying to do an modem
autodial from within my program. The only option I have
found is to use the WININET functions. I have included the...
I am trying to do serial communication in pocket pc. Anything I try either gets me a linker error or a runtime error. I've tried overlapped but I get a linker error when I try to use CreateEvent. I've tried non-overlapped but I get a runtime error 120 when it tries to create the handle using...
I am working on a program in C that must dial and disconnect without user intervention. I have looked at the API reference on MSDN and took note of the InternetDial, InternetAutodial, InternetHangup, and InternetAutodialHangup functions. I included the wininet.h header file, added the...
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