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Search results for query: *

  1. Duncanmcl

    Read only query

    certain queries within my access application need to be protected from user changes, they can read only. How can I set a query property to protect it against any changes. I'm not using Jet security, but do captuer use names. Naturally I need to have read/write/change for mysely. thanks in...
  2. Duncanmcl

    & in text

    How do I imbed an & with displayed text....I have tried "&", '&' and a combination of both ("'&'")...in this situstion the single quote is displayed but not the &. I know & is a special char. thanks in advance!
  3. Duncanmcl

    VBA code for special characters

    PHY: Your answer is what I was expecting..the other was a workarount..very limited description on the web about function chrw(), it clearly works...and is more logical for coding.....can you advise what its code means, concatenate hex? the following? into function CHRW()
  4. Duncanmcl

    VBA code for special characters

    Traingamer:thanks....IT WORKS CORRECTLY....WELL DONE....THE LAST ERROR (MINE) WAS DLOOKUP TABLE WAS WITHOUT []'S.... You are my hero!!
  5. Duncanmcl

    VBA code for special characters

    Traingamer:thanks...getting closer... As suggested , created table like your example, ID 1 value is ?, id 2 value ?, value is a text field....the below dlookup yields ?? , both SUp and SDown are strings....when viewing table the arrows are OK....from code getting ?? SUp = DLookup("value"...
  6. Duncanmcl

    VBA code for special characters

    that example works to 255....and the down arrow is not within that range.....and #'s beyond that are not supported....to better see my example....go to word....insert....symbol....and scroll down to black down arrow....that the one...its supported in word as alt x 25b2.....but im trying to use...
  7. Duncanmcl

    VBA code for special characters

    this is a pay for service...answer service....its $12/mth....I also searched on google and MSDN.....they illustrate only the most simple of examples....please try again
  8. Duncanmcl

    VBA code for special characters

    Word defines the black down point triangle special character as alt X, or using character code 25bc. I'm trying to use same is Access in VBA, within an if statement on a procedure for streaming stock quote, that character being used as a negative if the change in stock value was negative. In...
  9. Duncanmcl

    Copy form application to application w/passwords

    I have 2 applications, each with a PW on DB and PW on visual basic editor. Tyring to copy 1 form from 1 to other....prompts me for DB PW on other....ok....prompts me for form name on other..ok..prompts me for a 2nd time DB PW on other...just like copy of tables or queries to other....but then...
  10. Duncanmcl

    circular reference

    Business situation where a max amount/policy can be paid only, lets call it a maxbonusperpolicy. The totalbonus is made up of many policies and the rule is the ratio of members one policy to the total members all policies, a ratio (on each policy)applied to the totalbonus can not exceed a set...
  11. Duncanmcl

    Save error

    Thanks....no need to worry about user data being saved ...its automatically at quit....I was trying to over compensate and protect....but data is saved within the forms presented.
  12. Duncanmcl

    Save error

    In a multi user Access environment, I included on the quit routine a docmd.save before the actual quit. Seems this causes Access DB to be put in a state by user type error. Is this 'save' command at the global level...saving for all users within application? Is save included within the 'quit'...
  13. Duncanmcl

    Access Report translation error to Excel

    Thanks for the suggestion. It appears Access actually exports the query supporting the report limited to the fields referenced on the report. The analysis seems to indicate the translation problem is some how within the report, since exporting the query specifically does not have that same...
  14. Duncanmcl

    Access Report translation error to Excel

    Exporting an Access report to Excel results in certain text column data getting translated incorrectly. This happens only on certain records, not all. Example in Access the text defined value "0000006285-010" gets translated to Excal in a column defined as General as "1601864". Another example...
  15. Duncanmcl

    Access Reports multible subreports

    The running sum is the answer, thanks. By creating on the subreport/form a running sum field based on each detail line in the subreport, the next subreport includes it at each interation. Then the main report footer group line can contain a text field pointing to the running sum field. Results...
  16. Duncanmcl

    Access Reports multible subreports

    Thks...but each subreport has the same name and fields....its a 2nd occurance of subreport1, different values...but still related to the main report. In my situation I'm listing the breakout of General Ledger accounts for a given payment. So the whole payment is to XYZ on the main report, that...
  17. Duncanmcl

    Access Reports multible subreports

    I have a report with one to many subreports. The number can vary. How do I refer to each subreport (or all) when trying to sum a field in each subreport producting a report total. I have tried to sum from the page break section...but understand Access won't allow and an error is produced. I...
  18. Duncanmcl

    Allocation amounts = original amount

    ok....in my situation access is computing a bonus amount. Its necessary to allocate that amount between several markets representing different legal entities. For accounting GL purposes its then necessary to allocate each of those amounts between the 1 to 4 GL accounts each market may have. The...
  19. Duncanmcl

    Allocation amounts = original amount

    Access, how can I control and validate the sum of the allocated amounts equals the original totals exactly. When percentages are applied against an original amount, how can I verify programatically that all the parts equals the the original total, and/or adjust the total to equal that amount by...
  20. Duncanmcl

    Secure Access tables from being imported from another

    I have created an semi-secure Access application using front end PW,plus a 2nd PW on modules, and restricted the properties windows to be 'design view only', set view properties on startup to off (menues,short cut keys/menu and I control 'allowbypasskey' via VBA. It is menu driven only, no...

Part and Inventory Search
