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Search results for query: *

  1. fotinaki

    Add a chart for the selected data

    I want to create an Excel chart from an Excel File Problem: I use the following code: VB: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim oSeries As Excel.Series oSeries.XValues = oSheet.Range("A2", "A17")...
  2. fotinaki

    excel chart

    Take a look to the following: 'Set the culture information for the current thread to English before instantiating Excel.Without this line of code nothing works. It's a bug of MS System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture =...
  3. fotinaki

    Excel: Add a Chart for the selected data...

    Hello, I'm trying to create an Excel chart ... I'm based on the "Create an Automation Client for Microsoft Excel" When I write the following code: oSeries.XValues = oSheet.Range("A7", "A22") nothing changes to the generated chart (same result when I leave out...
  4. fotinaki

    using Comm Port

    Among the 101 VB.NET samples I’m interested to “How- to Using the Comm Port”. I would like your help to modify the following: A Timer is used. It depends on it to do the reading of the response. I don’t want this because if the data arrives before, I would not like to wait until the time...
  5. fotinaki

    Create database

    Thanks, ...that was what I wanted to avoid, using ADOX, adding a reference...but there isn't another way...
  6. fotinaki

    handle events

    Is it possible to handle events in VB.NET like : Socket error Socket close .. ??
  7. fotinaki

    get the IP address of the client

    I can't find the way to get the client's IP Address from the TcpClient... If I din't use TcpClient, I could AcceptSocket() instead of AcceptTcpClient() to get the socket. When I had the socket I could use get_RemoteEndPoint() but I want to use TcpClient. Actually, I'm trying to create a...
  8. fotinaki

    Excel Charts....Please help

    I'm trying to write code in VB.NET that creates an Excel file and chart but I don't want to use components,dlls etc. I am based in the BIFF format of Excel files... Here some of the records that Chart BIFF uses: CHART: Location and Overall Chart Dimensions (1002h) The CHART record marks the...
  9. fotinaki

    Create database

    How can I create a MS Access database using ADO.NET?
  10. fotinaki

    dynamic Context menus

    A friend gave me the following solution.It is exactly what I need!Thanks you anyway! Dim names() As String = {"james", "steve", "dave", "fred"} Private Sub ContextMenu1_Popup(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles...
  11. fotinaki

    dynamic Context menus

    I'm trying to work with dynamic context menus in VB.NET and running into what seems to be a very simple but very annoying problem. Say my user has created a list of "names". Could be 1,2,5.. or 20 names. I don 't know at design time. Now I want to create a context menu with these names...
  12. fotinaki

    Create Excel Chart without the use of dlls

    Hello, I would appreciate any kind of help about writing a class file for generating excel chart files without the use of dlls (I'm searching code based in the native excel chart BIFF format).

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