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Search results for query: *

  1. Korach

    How to get applications list

    I need to get the applications list as you see in the task manager. Processes list is not good enough since the application I want to look for run in IE shell, so its process name is "IEExec", not the real exe file name. Thanks
  2. Korach

    How to cause the mouse wheel to scroll?

    Is there any scroll bar in the panel when you step into the panel? Now I see that if the scroll bar appears after you entered the panel with the mouse, it won't work. try to put the Focus in the mouse move event.
  3. Korach

    How to cause the mouse wheel to scroll?

    Can you paste some code?
  4. Korach

    Help - Problem with Events in Sub Form

    I don't think DoEvents can help you. If you need to do some processing and let the user stop it, you have to use threads. Do the logic in another thread. Your problem is that the thread needs to fill the form controls, which is a big issue itself. In .NET 1.1 you can do it directly. Just pass a...
  5. Korach

    Bind a class to a datagrid

    Hi everyone, I have an arraylist contains some class instances. If I bind the list to a grid, the grid is showing some columns as the number of public properties in the class, and each object gets a row. I want that only some of the properties will be displayed in the grid. There are some...
  6. Korach

    Maintain position in a list view

    listview1.HideSelection = False
  7. Korach

    Passing an open OleDbConnection?

    Are yu sure about that? int is a value type and a connection object is a reference type, so if you pass an int to a method, it can change only the copy of this int. String is a reference type, but since it is immutable, it behaves like an int in this case.
  8. Korach

    Programming from MS Sql server to C#

    There is a lot of programming knowledge you need to know. One of the great things in .NET is the speed of the knowledge earning, Thanks to the object oriented structure of the .NET classes, the MSDN help, and many examples in the internet. .NET classes are arranged in namespaces. "System" is the...
  9. Korach

    Main Form/Data Grid

    You can use the same data adapter and replace the select command. You can use a single dataset with two tables. Table1 for the customer and Table2 for the expenses. When you set the data source of the grid, set it to Table2, not the dataset itself.
  10. Korach

    Passing an open OleDbConnection?

    As far as I know, You don't need to pass the connection by reference in order to close it. You need to pass a reference type instance by reference only when you write something like that: public void fun(MyClass MyInstance) { MyInstance = New MyInstance(); } Or: public void fun(MyClass...
  11. Korach

    Programming from MS Sql server to C#

    1. Fetch data from SQL server: SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(myConnectionString); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(mySelectQuery, myConnection); myConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)...
  12. Korach

    color printing

    From MSDN help: printDoc is a PrintDocument class instance. private void MyButtonPrint_OnClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Set the printer name and ensure it is valid. If not, provide a message to the user. printDoc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName =...
  13. Korach

    Question about the Color Structure...

    I wrote something similar to the web page. In my app you can drag the color rects and you can see the RGB and ole values of them. The text color is white or black according to the brightness of the back color. This is not a well written code but you can modify it. For example, using reflection...
  14. Korach

    Compare two databases

    Thanks! That's exactly what I need.
  15. Korach

    Compare two databases

    Hi everyone, Do you know how to compare two databases? Do you know if there is a tool for that? I made many changes to my development database and I made these changes in the production database too. I now want to check if all tables, procedures, triggers etc. are the same in both databases...
  16. Korach

    How to load a form into a panel

    Right click on your project and select "Add". In the menu you'll see "Add User Control". User Control is like a form but without the ability to be a top level control. In order to use it you need to add it to a form or any other container. Maybe you can add a form to a panel, but I don't think...
  17. Korach

    Treeview grabbing focus

    I tried it and it didn't happen. Make a new solution with a tab control and a tree view and check it.
  18. Korach

    need to get time as time not date...

    Add a string column and set the values of this column cells to the time string of the date value.
  19. Korach

    How to load a form into a panel

    I you try to do it, you'll get this message: "Cannot add top level control to a control", since a form is a top level control. Make a user control and put it in the panel. panel1.Controls.Add(MyUserControl)
  20. Korach

    using vitual studio appl.

    What's wrong with a single click? Do you have to double click?

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