I have installed legato 7.2 on a windows workstation and have two extabyte mammoth-2 scsi drives attached to it.
The drives are 8mm with 20gig native and a 40gig compressed cababiltiy. The tape drive has hardware compression enables and so does the client but I am only getting 20 gigs on the...
We are trying to deploy the app. What crap it is. I have never seen a product be so cumberson as this. For what it needs to do you need to spend a day to configure everything and the install needs to be done from various dvd's in different directories. You also do not get a clear consice guide...
We are in the process of adding a switch to enterprise for load balancing. We are also adding more drives.
Does anyone know what additional software I need to purchase from legato?
Also, can anyone tell me what the syntax would look like for defining the drive? I know what it looks like when...
What I have done is run mminfo with various switches to produce the following report.
mminfo -a -r 'state,volume,%used,volretent,space,location,mounts,recycled'
volume (%) expires location mounts rcyc
CQ6740L1 full 06/30/03 42 7
For off site rotation I mark the last nights tape as full and eject it. I then send and email to our tape librarian. I got burned when the librarian had not loade the correct tapes. THe job staled because it was waitng for a tape that was not in the system.
So, I want to query the system to...
I am runing under solaris and want to send and email to tell us what the next tape is to be used. But I can not find the correct switches. I was trying to use mminfo.
Any help is appricated?
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