I didn`t include the support folder for the
winzip self-extractor and the application
installed fine. That is on my PC. Do you think
the users will have problems because I didn`t
include the support folder.
I`m creating a self extracting install for a visual basic app. It seems the file size is large. I`m wondering if I can exclude some files.
Here`s a list of the package and deployment files
1)Support folder
2)A winzip file named as the exe is named
3)Setup...setup Bootstrap
4)and Setup.lst
Hi Group
I had made some changes to this code and added a checkbox as part of a if then statement. When I run the code for the checkbox if then, I can`t seem to get the results to populated in the grid. Am wondering what I`m going wrong.
The code in question has a note above it
PS what`s the...
Thank. Now I understand how to use the mask feature.
That procedure did work fine. It seems some of my icon
backgrounds are gray and white. I assume I must find a
set of icons with a common background color.
Thanks again
Hi Group
I am looking for application toolbar icons in bmp format. I am looking for a collection that has a truly transparent background. Many of the icons have a red or white background...this does not work well for the current application.
I`m wondering if anyone uses the ActiveSkin control. I`m trying to skin all my
forms by opening the theme file location. As it works currently I can only seem
to skin the main form. I`m uncertain how to code the control to skin all the forms
at once.
Option Explicit
Private m_oBalloons(0 To...
I never did get the loadPicture syntax to work. I did
change the images for the toolbar from ico to bmp and
so far the problem of a black background has not shown
Thanks for the help.
Thanks for the answer
I am a newbie at this... how do I load the icons. I tried this syntax but no luck: ImageList2.Add , "open", LoadPicture(App.Path & "\open.gif")
Hi Group
When I add icons to the imagelist the icons look fine. Then I close the app and reopen then the background becomes black. I`m thinking that the transparent background of the icons isn`t truely transparent. I might have to remove the background or find images with no background color...
I checked, it seems none of the formulas change as
expected. I named many cells that were part of the
formulas. I didn`t set the cells to absolute or relative.
I assume it not specified they are relative. In this case
are the references a problem?
I tried formula auditing on one cell. I see a...
I have a sheet that I`d like to copy to a new
sheet. It seems when I copy the formulas they are
not working in the new sheet. Am wondering how to copy all... formatts and formulas.
I have a page control with a few dbedits on a page.
For some reason I can`t reposition the dbedits anywere
on the form. I`ve never seen this problem. What could
be the problem.
procedure TDoorMain.RadioButtonInsetClick(Sender: TObject);
If RadioButtonInset.Checked = True and CboNumberOfDoors.items.indexof('1') then
PanelSinInset.Visible := True;
The code is to allow the panel to visible if
a number in the combo is 1.
Please help. I get an error...
I`ve been working on the app and have it almost done. I created a install with all the necessary files. I then had a friend install the app on WinMe.
The app installed fine. The problem surfaced when we clicked on File | New. We received an error " -2147217842 (80040e4d) The workgroup...
I have a app nearing completion and I`m wondering
how the experts here deal with screen resolutions.
1027 x 768 was the resolution I used during development.
Most of my sstab control is hidden at 800 x 600.
Thank You
I started a new thread but this question was posted as
a follow-up to thread102-737639
Thanks for the information. I`m wondering if the techniques you mentioned would be recommended for the app that I`m attempting. The app is a drawer cutlist program.
The user enters the size of the cabinet...
Thanks for the information. I`m wondering if the techniques you mentioned would be recommended for the app that I`m attempting. The app is a drawer cutlist program.
The user enters the size of the cabinet opening then many functions are applied to various dbedits. The part calculations for a...
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