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Search results for query: *

  1. namida

    SMTP Server not delivery

    I have several questions: I installed SMTP virtual server in Win Web Server 2008 R2 It's purely for delivering email, I have not tried receiving mail. It is able to relay / send email sent from Java servlets. I'm trying to send an email through bmail / command line. I tried vbs script, but...
  2. namida

    CDOSYS not sending with parameters

    Hi Yes it doesn't seem to be any different with the steps you mention. The script seemed to run perfectly fine. The Email contents is not html or anything, they're just short strings. I even tried just sending "test" for subject and body and they were printed out fine, but not sending. I'm...
  3. namida

    CDOSYS not sending with parameters

    Hi I have a script (took it off from Microsoft help and did a bit of change). The original was for CDONTS and I changed it into CDOSYS. The intention is to use it via command line CSCRIPT. Option Explicit On Error Resume Next Dim objSendMail, MyMail, oArgs, ArgNum Dim strTo, strFrom...
  4. namida

    trouble with redirecting to other page

    Form Page -> Processing Page -> Confirmation Page. 1. In Form Page, put the action form to the URL of the processing Page. 2. In Processing Page, insert data into table, blabal and put header("Location: URL_OF_CONFIRMATION_PAGE"); in the last action. it should direct to the confirmation page...
  5. namida

    Strange Session Behaviour

    Right now the one the two found occasions are always userId 1. So I think you've got a point there. I need to check all my includes and other scripts to find out if there's such assignment. Thanks Regards, Namida
  6. namida

    Strange Session Behaviour

    Hi. Thx for the reply. I don't manage my sessions manually so I just use it directly like $_SESSION["userId"] . The user base is currently above 10 000 user Ids. Regards, Namida
  7. namida

    Strange Session Behaviour

    HI. I wonder if anyone has ever experienced this. I am using PHP 4.3.x with Apache and MySQL database. We have a forum in a community portal. In the forum ,people can create topics or reply. Simple. The strange thing is that on two rare occasions, somehow a new topic was recorded to be...
  8. namida

    Run Java Program in Background with Exec Problem

    Hi all, I'm trying to execute a java program (very long duration process program) and I want PHP not to wait for it to finish. I tried this <? $exMe = system('/opt/j2sdk1.4.2_01/bin/java -cp /projects/web/dewi Looping &'); print "finish"; ?> but it still hangs , anyone knows how ? Thanks...
  9. namida

    how do i send post variables... without a form...

    you can also use fsockopen , CURL needs extension, but if you don't have it installed, fsockopen works as well. Regards, Namida
  10. namida

    questions regarding referer

    try to check with session, for example only if a person is logged in it has a certain variable such as userName in the _SESSION Variable, so he / she has to log in first. That's if it has some sort of login Did you try the $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] variable? Regards, Namida
  11. namida

    Button like in Adobe Acrobat 7 Tour

    Hi! I downloaded the Discover & Try Adobe Acrobat 7.0 http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/pdfs/a7_tryme_gb.pdf and there is a navigation menu on the first page (left upper corner) which I found out after a few trial that they are recognized as buttons. But when I openned their properties...
  12. namida

    OCIFetchStatement arguments- Oracle

    Yes I agree 4.1.1 is very outdated. Our server uses 4.3.1 It's just that I was testing the script in 4.1.1 Apparently the function doesn't work with the 5 parameters in 4.1.1 . Regards, Namida
  13. namida

    Session Logistics

    perhaps if I truly understand what setSession does I can help you. if you want to put attributes of image i don't think you should put it in session? because if you put it in session it really will only be recognized in the second running of the script. Did you try not putting out the image...
  14. namida

    inserting records into a database

    I tried the whole sql you pasted in my Sql and it works, nothing wrong. If you try to execute the sql (and the first time it was successful) it will give you an error. Check your database perhaps half of it was executed successfully? Regards, Namida
  15. namida


    yes, creating text file is faster than connecting a database (should) Regards, Namida
  16. namida

    OCIFetchStatement arguments- Oracle

    I am using PHP 4.1.1 and 4.3.1 according to the manual, the function OCIFetchStatement have 2-5 arguments which are ocifetchstatement ( resource stmt, array &output [, int skip [, int maxrows [, int flags]]]) But when I tried this in my code...
  17. namida

    Query Locked

    Thanks. the data unfortunately is not static, it is updated by many parties, and even if I cache it it would only work for probably the index page. we close the connection every end of the page. Regards, Namida
  18. namida

    MYSQL too many results

    IMHO there is no way you know in the address table whether the address is a 'work' address or 'home' address. Except that if there's a rule if 2 people have the same address then that address is deffinitely a company address. But I don't think that's hypothetically correct either. Regards...
  19. namida

    Query Locked

    Hi, I have an application which has queries of about 8 inner joins (takes around 0.3 second of execution) . This application is accessed from around 8 different points ( web and wap front end). Since it got so many hits the processes in mysql starts to lock and a lot of people can't access the...
  20. namida

    Force 404 with header

    Hi... I'm trying to force a 404 page with <? header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); exit; ?> I tried this On IIS and also on Apache (under FreeBSD) but both just gives me a blank page. i didn't make any custom 404 pages, just hoping that the default ones will show up. The page only have the...

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