by the way, anybody know built-in function in perl to convert localtime() to '200509230809' except the following function.
sub convertDate
my ($varDate) = @_;
if (day$(varDate) < 10)
dd = "0"day($varDate);
dd = day($varDate);
i use
SELECT concat(YEAR(now(), MONTH(now()), DAY(now()), HOUR(now()), MINUTE(now()));
return 200592239. but i want double digit hour and minute
anybody knows.
when I run
exec("mysql -uusername ppassword<'export.sql'");
on solaris9 it returns nothing.
I also tried
system("mysql -uusername -ppassword <'export.sql'")
it return nothing.
but when I run on windows xp
exec("mysql -uusername -ppassword -e \"source export.sql\"");
it works and returns...
I run a perl script on solaris9.
this is the script:
my $sql = "SELECT produce_code, product_name INTO OUTFILE 'export.txt' from products";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sth);
$sth->execute or die("Error executing:$DBI::errstr");
it returns error excuting: Query was empty at line 222.
when I...
unix junky,
I checked the group permissions. they are r-x the read and excute permission. I even used command #chmod -R 777 uploaddir, still can't open the file, but one thing confusing me is I can delete the file from broswer.
Hi, all,
I have a website run solaris9 using apache that come with solaris9. I use perl as cgi script. I want to upload files from browser and download file from browser also. right I can upload file and set directory mod777 using perl upload script. but when I download the file, server can't...
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