yes it is. But access knows to spleet the excel in sheets i want to know if crystal knows
i exported a with crystal a file with more than 65000, it was split but hen i want to open it excel--- NOTResponding
(it worked once)
How can i make Crystal reports to export more than 65.000 lines in excel?
it does not raise any error at export, but the excel can not be opened
if i try to open it with access i can see it has multiple sheets
if the form you try to close is the application startup form, than all application will close.
the ideea is that the startup page should be a container for all forms. any other form needs to be open from it. so in order to work what you want, you must do another form and set it as startup, put...
Hello Rhys666! sorry for this late answer
i was trying and trying.
i found something to help me.
because it was not a sql timeout, i used another thread that was sending information every 10 seconds, during sp execution on another thread
it worked!
Thanks for your time and threads ideea!
the setup project will generate a .msi (in release- build with release) witch you need to instal on computers you want to run the application. the windows project will generate an exe
yes in access thwt works because texbox has default property text abd labels have caption. so if you say textbox1="3" it will show 3
in this does't work
there are no default properties
you shoud do something like this:
- you shoud have a function getControlByName...
You should add following references
then your import will work
for k=0 to ds.tables.count
for i=0 to ds.tables(k).rows.count
for j=0 to ds.tables(0).columns.count
msgbox (ts.tables(0).rows(i).item(j))
next j
next i
next k
Here is what i used;
Dim ts As New DataGridTableStyle()
ts.MappingName = "nameOfTheTableInDatasetWitchGridUsesAsDataSource"
Yes it is possible
try this:
-let's say that ds.tables(0) is yours grid dataSource
-the name of the column you want to sort is "Column"
ds.Tables(o).DefaultView.sort= "Column"
grid1.DataSource = ds.Tables(0).DefaultView
I've modified timeouts in the Internet Services Manager administrative tool in Windows 2000 also
i think i've modified evrythig. i still got the problem and i don't know where to look anymore
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