Our National Sales Manager is wanting us to standardize our report formats by making sure that each sales territory is represented by the same color in a chart on each report (i.e. Mountain is always blue, Pacific is always orange, etc.). Can anyone drop me a clue as to how I could accomplish...
Hi! I'm a newbie trying to figure out a solution to this problem: I have one report that is generated and distributed on the first of each month. For the report I have a parameter for each sales region (12) and would like to schedule the report to run 12 times, each with a different...
Thanks all for the info. I just talked to Crystal support and was told pretty much the same thing. There is a CR Pro disk that comes with Enterprise. You HAVE to use this CR disk on your report creating workstation if you want to access CE. I had used a separate Crystal Reports disk to...
Thanks Naith
I looked at that earlier and even applied SP1 to my machine but still had no results. I've even tried reinstalling. Anything else?
I'm a CE newbie and after getting things setup, there's still a slight problem. In CR 9.0, I go into a new report and then try to save it. After a File > Save As... there is no option for saving the report in Enterprise. Of the three machines that have CR 9.0 on them, mine is the only one...
Hello! This looks like a great place that I just stumbled upon to find a little insight! I have a report with a subreport. I am trying to pass data from the sub to the main and am using shared variables. My problem is that if a record has more than one record in the sub, only the last record...
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