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  1. enDomino

    Anoying spayware

    To be honest, I didn't believe to "pechenegs" at the beginning, actually, I'm still astonished of the easy way to remove that spyware with the tool he has propuse. Yesterday I was searching in the web information about how to remove that and I thought it was going to be hard, but not with the...
  2. enDomino

    Anoying spayware

    I've executed HijackThis, the log is: Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 18:28:47, on 01/08/2005 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180) Running processes: C:\WINDOWS\System32\smss.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe...
  3. enDomino

    Anoying spayware

    Hi again, I did what you suggested: 1.- Disable "System Restore" 2.- Install "Spy Sweeper" and it did locate several spyware However, the anoying process is still there, when I kill the process, "Spy Sweeper" prompt me with a window saying that something is going to be added to the registry...
  4. enDomino

    Anoying spayware

    I will do it on Monday, today it's late for me. I will let you know. Thanks!
  5. enDomino

    Anoying spayware

    Thanks for your response. The removal tool I've used is: Ad-Aware (Lavasoft). I'm not disabling system restore, actually, I don't understand very well what you mean ... could you explain?
  6. enDomino

    Anoying spayware

    Hi all, I'm suffering an anoying spyware very difficult to get rid of ... Of course anti-spyware does not remove it. I will explain the way it is working: 1.- There is a process in the background with a random name, for example its name now is: ahiglz.exe, whatever the name it is always in...
  7. enDomino

    Anoying spayware

    Hi all, I'm suffering an anoying spyware very difficult to get rid of ... Of course anti-spyware does not remove it. I will explain the way it is working: 1.- There is a process in the background with a random name, for example its name now is: ahiglz.exe, whatever the name it is always in...
  8. enDomino

    Impartial information about Viruses - Worms ...

    Perphaps Chris is right and my level of paranoia is high ;-) Anyway, thanks for the infomation. Antonio
  9. enDomino

    Impartial information about Viruses - Worms ...

    This is more likely a thought ... I was looking for information about latest most dangerous Worm, Sasser. What I don't really like about the information I've found is that every company is trying to take advance of those problems in they own benefic, Microsoft says you have to download the...

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