This is what I do now:
1) In a datasheet in a form displaying the results of a direct ODBC-query I click one of the column headers to mark a column.
2) I push "Ctrl-C" to copy the data.
3) I open a form including a chart in Design View.
4) I dobule-click the chart to get the datasheet...
I have three tables representing the same series of measurements, but not all measurements are present in all tables:
ControlTable (this table should include all measurements)
To simplify, all of them have these two columns/fields:
(PK is the primary key,and is also an index...
I have posted a question about plotting before with no response. But this is quite crucial to me and it should be generally quite fundamental as well, so I try to reformulate slightly:
If you mark a column in a datasheet (by mouseclicking it), is it possible to plot this column into a...
I have a subform where the source is set to <<queries.MyDirectQuery>>.
MyDirectQuery is then showed as a datasheet in the subform of MyForm.
I can click on one of the columns in this form, and it gets highlighted.
Now I want to plot the data in this column as a line plot.
I would also...
Why have I spent so much time on this? I did actually find a solution that is highly "un-elegant", making a new table with the words "sum", "avg" etc in separate columns and adding the max() of each of these columns to the "sum" and "avg" parts...
It seemed very simple and powerful. But I failed to say that I have a direct query to an Oracle database. This error-message appears:
"sum": invalid identifier
Is there an analogue method in Oracle Sql? It would have helped me a lot!
I have this query:
select sum(param_1) "PARA1", sum(param_2) "PARA2" from (...)
select max(param_1), max(param_2) from (...)
resulting in:
[value of sum(param_1)] [value of sum(param_2)]
[value of max(param_1)] [value of max(param_2)]...
In my case it seems like I have to omit the letters "Controls!". After having done that, everything works like I want to.
A star to you, Tony!
Ok. What I want is presented in the sketch above. But sketches often need some words to make sense:
I have a direct query whose SQL is set at run-time, based on the user's input. This query returns a lot of (but a varying number of) columns (like shown above). Each row represents a single...
Thanks. That tip may be handy some time. But this time I want to DELETE some columns. Not update (but of course, the recordset will have to be updatable in order to get permission to delete).
Another solution would be to build up a new recordset of all columns but the ones to be deleted from the...
Thanks for the tip!
The recordset is "bound to" a query and then displayed in a subform. Subsequently I couldn't get VBA to accept
set rst = Forms!MyForm!MyForm_sub
But: My problem is NOT to get a clone of the recordset. That is easy. The problem is that this clone is also NOT...
I want to open a form (MyForm2) showing a record where MyID2 corresponds to MyID1 of the active/marked record in a datasheet.
The datasheet is placed as a subform on a form (MyForm1) on which I want to add a command button that opens MyForm2. The datasheet uses...
I hoped it was so easy, but I have tried:
Set rst2 = myRst.clone
and then tried to operate on rst2. But MsgBox rst2.Updatable gives "False" and I am not allowed to make any changes on the data...
So I am still stuck with my unchangeable recordset :-(
Hope there are some good...
My English is not very good, but thank you if it was a compliment :)
I think that this issue is one of the issues that should have been easy to deal with in Access and VBA. Is it?
This is what I have (a query with varying number of columns AND rows):
ColID_0 ColID_1 ColID_2 Col_ID3 ColID_end
-- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- --
lots of rows...
I want to copy the records from a query except for the two first columns. I thought I could use:
myRst = myQuery.OpenRecordset(dbOpenDynaset)
But I am not permitted to make updates on this...
Now it seems like everything is working. I just added the line:
"rst.MoveLast" before "nrOfRecords = rst.RecordCount" and put the MoveFirst-statement after these statements.
Thanks for all help. A star to you!
Thank you for your tip!
Now it seems like the error has gone away, BUT there is one big problem! Only the first record is found, that says the "numberOfRecords"-variable always get the value "1", while the query and the list shows 2 records or more.
(Since my code is in a...
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