I have VFP 6.0 and creating my own class library named
"My Classes". In it I created a class name "Cmdbase" for a command button, however I can't change the color of the command button to grey, it defaults to the VFP Library white and I don't know how to change it. Can...
In vfp 5 one column in a grid displays the dates as:
20000902 etc
I want to manipulate it to show those dates as:
09/01/2001 etc I tried a prg in different methods of the column etc... Nothing works, how do I do it ?
After removing all the options on the top of a form
(caption,closeable,icon etc), the solid line where the caption is written remains. How can I remove or hide it. Is that possible? I quess it should be. Thanks
I would like to sort records in a grid by date using a spinner. There are 2 different ways I would like to do it.
First way:
The spinner would have a default date and with each click the date would go back a day or forward a day.
Second way (more difficult):
The spinner would have a default...
I want to view different queries in a Grid.
In the LOAD method of a FORM, I have the following SQL code to display data in a grid.
SELECT cutomer.name,order.invno ;
FROM customer,orders ;
WHERE customer.custid_no = orders.custid_no and customer.name = "FRANK" (or a variable) ;
To Whom It May Concern:
I created a menu system named "mmenu.mpr"
When an item of "mmenu" is selected, I want to disable that item, to prevent form on top of form. How do I disable and enable an item in a prg?
I am sorry that I can't help you with your question. However, thank you for answering mine question about putting my logo on the screen.
I did what you suggested, however it wallpapered the picture all over the screen. Would you know how I can control that, and have one picture...
Upon opening Visual Foxpro I need the screen always to have my company logo appear instead of a blank screen.
Isn't there a _system default that allows color change and can I add a bmp file that has my logo? How would I do that?
I want to print Visual Foxpro Report form to a Text file so that I can fax it out.
I tried the following:
Set alternate on
do report test to file c:\test.txt
It does not work, why?
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