I have several users on my Cisco 3005 concentrator. Most are connected via cable or dsl connections. I have 3 users connected via satellite. One user had his satellite upgraded and vpn since then didn't work. Since this was only one preson I said tough beans and didn't do much research. Another...
Need some assistance. I used the rename user feature on the 3005 concentrator to rename the admin account. Didn't realize that when I renamed the user it took away all the rights. Any ideas or am I pretty much screwed?
Thanks for responding. I didn't mean to be vague. On the remote side (which is where the 501 is located) there are 6 hosts (5 computers and 1 print server). From my side of the wan (which is where the pix 506 is) I can successfully ping 3 of the devices. The other three I cannot. Telnet to...
I have a simple pix to pix (506 to 501) vpn using 3des encryption. There are three users on the remote side (print server and 2 users) behind the 501 whose computers I can see. The 501 has a 10 user inside license with a 10 user ike peer license. I cannot see 3 other computers and they cannot...
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