I've a find command in one of our crontab script. This was build by one of my colleage who no longer works now.
I need to know what the below mention command does:
find . -ctime +60 -exec rm {} \;
1. Is is counting the 60 days older files and removing them...
Hello Ygor,
Thanks for your help and reply back.
In my script the echo statement reporting the count is
echo "File $my_dir/$i present with $(cat $i|wc -l) records."
Where and how should i embedd the
(( countA = $(wc -l < fileA.csv) - 1 ))
Please help
Hello All,
I've a unix script that runs as a cron job to look for three *.csv files on a particular machine, do a record count in the *.csv files and report it via email.
Currently even if there are no records in the *.csv files, it reports are record count=1. How can i take off this header...
Below mentioned is the main body of my script. I need to add the different subject for "Completed" and "Failed" depending whether the file is found or not.
The curent version is just showing one subject "Results" for both failed and completed.
Where should...
Hello Olded,
This is my version based on your help but doesn't seem to work. I know there are some mistakes I've made but not able to figure it out. Can you please let me know what needs to be corrected.
I'm confused with the mail part, the subject and the body of the email for both the...
Hello Olded,
I appreciate for all of your help here. this part worked.
Earlier when you helped me with the job timing part i still need some help on it.
I tried to scheudle the crontab on 15, 30, and 45 past the hour from midnight to 0400 and it keeps on running at all the times till 0400...
Hello Olded,
thanks for your reply back and help on this.
The other question i meant was based on SamBones script it sends the email out with the attachments of the files including the record count in the files.
I want to have the email send out NOT with the attachments but with the file...
Hello Olded,
Thanks for your help on this. I did manage it out after i posted this question.
One quick question though, if you would be able to help with :- )
the files that i'm looking for and doing a count get generated via other job at some time after 12:10 a.m
How can i have the script...
Hello Olded & Sambones
thanks for your help on this. I really appreciate it.
Can i ask for one more favor. What should i do in order to test this script before I schedule it to run as a cronjob at 6:00 am every morning.
Would i be able to test the script for today's files that got generated...
I need help writing a unix script and then have it as a cronjob running everyday at 6:00 a.m
There are three .csv files that get generated every day via other job on \disk2\jobs directory:
The files under this directory end with the current date:
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