Here is the exception I am getting:
System.InvalidOperationException: Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created.
I can provide code
Public Shared WithEvents frmLogin As New frmLogin
Public Shared thrdLogon As Thread
public shared sub...
Here is a unique error message:
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. --> Input string was not in a correct format.
The problem with this error is that one computer the application is deployed on gives this error. The other has not. Now when I...
Okay I added that line to the event handling function, but it still didn't catch the event. What is the scope of the an event, can it cross instances of a class? Because I am calling function that raises the event from one instance of the class, and trying to capture the event from another...
Yes actually I added the DispatchInfo class into the class that handles the event and stepped through the solution with the same results. The only thing I haven't tried is to combine all three into one project.
I have a class with an event. I am trying to raise the event and have another project in the same solution capture that event. Here is the code:
The class with the event
Public Class DispatchInfo
Public Event newDispatch(ByVal dispInfo As DataTable)
Public Sub recieveDispatch(ByVal...
I have an xsd file (XML Dataset) that has fields/elements that are complex types. How do reference those with datatable/row objects? Do I have to access as a xml document?
Any help or articles would be greatly apprecated.
Software Developer
I have a checkedlistbox that I have loaded with data from a database (the easy part). I need to have some items in the checkedlistbox, checked (done previously and saved). They could possibly have multiple items checked, and I can't figure it out by looking at the methods. I would be very...
Thanks mark I will try this and see what happens. I know that the client worked because I was using it with the windows form application that the remoting host was running on before (I forgot to mention that this was a regular windows app that I have found the need to convert to a windows...
I have created and successfully installed (and have running) as windows service with .Net Remoting. However when I try to connect using the client application it tells me that my connection was refused. I can't figure out why, I have tried a user accout, network service, local service, and local...
I have a remoting server that is throwing errors to a client application. I have the following in the app.config file in the application.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<customErrors mode="Off" />
I have placed a copy of...
When using use the datepart function to return a the minutes of a time if the time is 9:06 then I only get 6 when I do datepart(mi, act_dt). Does anyone know how I can get it to produce the leading zero?
Note: act_dt is the field name of the field that contains the datetime. I have tried...
I have a list view with 4 columns one of them is called ID. I need to get the row from the listview and get the id from the row selected when a button is pressed.
How exactly do I the data from there?
I have a datagrid on a form. I need to change the foreground (ie text color) for either the entire row or one cell in that row based on the data that is in that row. for example I have a record that says we have 5 CD's left if the QTY column of the row is below ten I need to have the row (or a...
I have an AxWebBrowser componant on my form and when I resize the form I want it to resize. What do I need todo. I have tried a few things with the docking and they don't work they way I want. Any ideas?
Thanks Bassguy,
That was what I was trying todo, my problem turned out to be a problem with my sql server. I didn't give the username any privlages on the database (select or otherwise).
Thanks again,
I have two datasets. One comes from a webservice. The other is in my 'client' program. What I want todo is take the dataset from the webservice and write it to my database (it contains one table with about 4,000 records). Now I can get the dataset to my 'client' program but once I do I can't do...
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