Just for completeness here's how I managed to solve the problem, thanks to swilliams & palbano for their input. (My code was a bit overcomplicated!)
Option Explicit
Dim name
Sub Calendar1_AfterUpdate( )
viewer.document.location.href =...
Okay, thanks for trying to help me ... looking back, I don't think I worded my query very well. How do I use the Microsoft ActiveX Calendar control to pass a date - chosen by the user - to another page? Hope you can help, thanks again.
I am trying to include the Calendar ActiveX control on a web page. I want to then display a subsequent page based on the date selected by the user.
I can display it using the <OBJECT> tag, but I want to create the control using ASP via the Server.CreateObject method and then display the control...
I am trying to use an ActiveX Calendar control to load a page where the content is based on the date selected by the user.
In order to do this I am passing the date value from the calendar to the next page in the following way:-
Option Explicit
Dim caldate, name
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