I tried the form view. Unfortunately my main concern is that since I'm using a subform, inside the report I only could get to view it as a datasheet.
Can you only do calculated controls within the footer of the form...??
this is what my form looks like
quantity description price...
I have a purchase order database that has a subform with many products.
I have already placed a "sub-total" control that is
The problem is that I can't seem to figure out how to use that control "sub-total" and calculate a grand-total within the...
I have a purchase order database. I have an autonumber field (Purchase Order ID#) that gets generated when the user inputs data. I would like to insert a command button into this form that grabs that Purchase Order ID # and brings me to a report that displays the same information, with out all...
I have a form that has a combo box that queries its contents from a table. If a user were to type in something other than what's inside the combobox list, is there a way to automatically update the table. So that I would not have to type the record inside the look-up table manually. Hopefully...
I have a purchase order database that has a subform with many products.
I have already placed a "sub-total" control that is
The problem is that I can't seem to figure out how to use that control "sub-total" and calculate a grand-total within the...
I've tried using the Access program and pressing the button, but it says it "FILE NOT FOUND." I've been testing the situation on my home computer which Windows Me and Access 2000. I have copied the folder from work and pasted it inside my C:\ . It is called Batch55. I don't know...
Thanks for all the support GD....
That is exactly what I need to do!!!
Post whatever you find out and if you have time:
Here's an email to send me the example you're working with : marbinski@yahoo.com
Let me know how everything is going....
I've gotten as far as creating the batch file and running the code. I wasn't quite sure where to put this code:
Dim RetVal
RetVal = Shell("C:\direct.bat")
Open "C:\direct.txt" For Input As #1
Open "C:\Direct2.txt" For Output As #2
Dim Hold As String
Do Until...
Do I create the batch file in NOTEPAD? I'm not totally sure where I would code this solution. If possible can you please give me a step by step description on what is going on in the code...but yeah..if you make this work for me...you are gonna save my job...=) Thanks
I am trying to display the data from a table with the property value as a "autonumber" into a label box on a form inside VB. Do I have to make any necessary conversions of data types to insert this "autonumber" into my label's caption.
I also had another had another...
The suggestion that you have offered works perfectly fine, but is there a way to automate that conversion process inside a particular folder. This is my scenario:
I have a scanning system that creates folders with scanned images along with a index.dat file. The software stores all of the...
I have several folders with text documents with the extension .DAT. I need to import those files into Access, and I heard that you may be able to change file exetensions to .TXT within the Access program rather than in the Command Prompt. I was wondering if there was a way to do so, because a...
Im trying to import a text file with the extension .DAT. This text file was created by a scanning documenting system. These system files will be needed to be imported Access on a regular basis. I have tried to import using the "Get External Data" menu and went through the entire...
I am creating a purchase order system. I have created a welcome screen that has a command button that should be able to print out the purchase order report. The question is how do I restrict that report to only display the report based on the purchase order # the user wants? Is there a way to...
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