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Search results for query: *

  1. Sideman

    Wireless printing with 2 routers?

    I have a Linksys WRT54g connected to my cable modem, using it's wireless router abillities for my whole home network. No problems at all with it. I just got a US Robotics 5461 MaxG Wireless router which has an internal USB print server. My question is, how can I set up the USR to function...
  2. Sideman

    Array and Err 9 Subscript out of bounds

    OK, people. Problem found. I had a couple text box "Change" routines that my Display routine was triggering as it did it's thing and, which also used "x" as a variable! (I know better...I really do!) This was "secretly" changing the "x" value in my Display routine. (right under my nose!!!)...
  3. Sideman

    Array and Err 9 Subscript out of bounds

    The brain is fritzing out today...here's the assignment snip... adcARInv.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM ARDetails WHERE InvNum=" & lngInvNum & " " adcARInv.Refresh With adcARInv.Recordset x = 1 y = 0 For x = 1 To .RecordCount ' Display only the data...
  4. Sideman

    Array and Err 9 Subscript out of bounds

    This might help make sense of the loop... ...it's for an Invoice form LineItems(x, 1) = LineNumber LineItems(x, 2) = InvNumber LineItems(x, 3) = InvCode LineItems(x, 4) = QOrder LineItems(x, 5) = ItemNum LineItems(x, 6) = Description LineItems(x, 7) = UPrice LineItems(x, 8) = ExtPrice...
  5. Sideman

    Array and Err 9 Subscript out of bounds

    Sorry guys, here's some of the code....if you want more, I'll post it. Just trying to save space. Option Explicit Option Base 1 Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, z As Integer, xx As Integer, L As Integer, F As Integer, Ct As Integer Dim Element As String Dim ans As String Dim LineItems() As...
  6. Sideman

    Array and Err 9 Subscript out of bounds

    I've searched everywhere and can't find an answer, so...either I'm just braindead today, or don't know as much as I thought I did (probably this one). VB6 SP6, Access 2000. In the general section, I set Option Base 1 and dim a multi-dim array, LineItems()As Variant. In a Sub, I ReDim it to...
  7. Sideman

    Data Grid Query

    I use Access2000 and VB6 SP6. I'm not an expert, so this is likely to be subject to correction, but here goes... ...first a simple join of the two tables... adodc.RecordSource= "SELECT * FROM Products, Sold WHERE Product.ProductID = Sold.ProductID" adodc.Refresh ...If you only need specific...
  8. Sideman

    Strange Data-Bound Grid selection behaviour

    OK, uhhh, never mind...dduuuhhhhhhh...had a senior moment!! vbNull actually equals 1 and I was saying that if no selection was made, set the global variable to (what else but) vbNull. Arrrgghhhhhh...getting old sucks!!! Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most! Sideman
  9. Sideman

    Strange Data-Bound Grid selection behaviour

    Hi again all...been awhile, I'm having a problem with a datagrid, allow me to describe it... VB6/Access 2000 I have two forms and am using an ADODC The purpose of the first form is to allow the user to gather line item data for an order. On this form, there are 3 command buttons to choose...
  10. Sideman

    Passing a recordset

    cyberbiker, I think CCLINT may very well be a genius AND brilliant...BUT he's a mind reader for SURE!! I needed this tip and didn't realize it till I read this thread!! So weird. Thanks, CCLINT. ...oh, and a star. Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most! Sideman
  11. Sideman

    Add Word Document - but name it

    Fear not, Zor, I'll provide that extra star. Thanks, John. Great Tip! Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most! Sideman
  12. Sideman


    WHOA!!! TOO COOL!!! I, too, have wanted to do just such a thing, but thought it would be over my head at present. (i'm still learning to swim in this VB sea of knowledge) Ahhh, the learning in this forum is amazing!!! and oh so thrilling! Thanks again, CCLINT. Of all the things...
  13. Sideman

    "Filling DataGrid based on DataCombo choice" is broken

    Hi Golom, Oh my god, I knew it!!!! I REALLY AM STUPID!!!! Just kidding. You are right on the button...2 spaces were causing all the grief...another lesson learned! It works fine now. Thanks a million, and a star for your kind expertise. Of all the things I've lost, I miss my...
  14. Sideman

    "Filling DataGrid based on DataCombo choice" is broken

    Hi there, First of all, I'm still a learner using VB6(SP5), Access 2000, ADO Data controls (adcInv and adcInvGrid), all with bound controls. On my form I have a DataCombo box bound to adcInv, a DataGrid control bound to adcInvGrid and two groups of Option buttons for user navigation. The...
  15. Sideman

    ADODC w/Access Query - How to switch to another query?

    Well, CCLINT, once again your suggestion was spot on. The suggestion worked exactly as I wanted, and when coupled with the Filter property, I was able to add some nice extra functionality. A star for your expert help. Thanks a milliion. Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind...
  16. Sideman

    ADODC w/Access Query - How to switch to another query?

    As usual, I can always count on you to have a good idea, CCLINT. I'll try your suggestion and post back how it worked out...will probably be tomorrow. Thanks again. Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most! Sideman
  17. Sideman

    ADODC w/Access Query - How to switch to another query?

    Thanks for the reply pweegar. I think I'm just going to have to hard code the recordsets and abandon the Data Control altogether. Can't seem to find a simple technique for using it the way I described. Thanks anyway. Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most! Sideman
  18. Sideman

    ADODC w/Access Query - How to switch to another query?

    Hi, everyone. I'm a struggling learner, so please be patient with my simplistic question. I'm using VB6(SP5) and Access 2000 in my project. I have an ADO Data Control which is assigned an Access stored query. From the resulting recordset I fill some text boxes and a Data Grid. Works...
  19. Sideman

    rs.Filter question

    Sorry, I've been away on other business. CCLINT I tried your suggestion, but the NULL value won't work in the Filter property. I'm now experimenting with stored queries in Access 2000 (using ADO Data Controls)...much faster than executing an SQL statement for each Option Button choice...
  20. Sideman

    Calling MoveFirst on a recordset requeries the database

    Oops, forgot to mention...the Filter property returns a filtered recordset, that could be why your query seems to be running twice. If you search MSDN for "Filter Property (ADO) you'll see the whole skinny on Filtering. Good luck, again. Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the...

Part and Inventory Search
