Well, I'm new to this. I could have done it only by mistake. When I look at View -> Layer Property, there are five names. Only two have objects. One is named Connector and the other is Network. I'm assuming Visio puts the connections between shapes in the Connector layer and the other shapes are...
I am trying to move shapes and the shapes will not move. I can resize them. If I copy an existing shape or one from the Shapes window, I can't move them either. They can be resized. I was able to more shapes earlier today but now I can't. I suspect I hit some keys by mistake at some point but I...
That worked with some modification. I had to change : to , and change *.queryInputs. It seems the filenames are too long. I needed to change it to output_Q9*.queryInputs. It seems there is a limit on the number of characters * can represent. I still have to work on "9" being included in *...
I am using the following command:
find . -name *.queryInputs -ls | sort -k 8,10
This gives me a list of files that are sorted by date. It is basically ls -la returning only files ending in queryInputs. I would like to take the list of files and print the file name followed by a matching string...
Why does the script show a value of undefined when there is only one checkbox? It will show a length of 2 for two fields.
function checkAll(field)
for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++)
field[i].checked = true ;
function uncheckAll(field)...
My objective is to open existing reports using Visual Basic, modify the labels and field formats, and then save the reports with a new names. Using Visual Basic, I can open the report. I can also view the report. Is there a way to disable the prompts so I can then change the labels and field...
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