I have defined two events in a collection as follows...
Public Event NewObject(mcount As Integer)
Public Event KillObject(mcount As Integer)
Private mCol As Collection
These are raised in the class (collection) at
1) Public Function Add(...
If Len(sKey) = 0 Then...
Hi Mike,
I've used your code from FAQ184-1769 to send an automated email from outlook. But when I pass the the logon details for the profile using...
objSession.Logon(<profilename>, <password>)
i am prompted with the logon dialog. the logon name defaults to the value passed but the password...
I use dsn-less connections in my VB code to connect to SQL Server. Using
With AdoCon
.ConnectionString = ConStr
End With
But if I look at the compiled code through notepad then the connection string including the username and password are visible.
Any ideas on how to hide this??
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