I have various dates and corresponding data that I would like to put into a graph by week ending instead of by day. Can this be done automatically or do I have to add up the totals for each week in a seperate table?
Nope. Maybe I am not entering in the correct expression.
I put =[Option10].Value=Abs([Option10].Value) in the AfterUpdate event and nothing. Is that correct? At least there was no error message this time.
I think there was an error somewhere else on the form. I have started over. To simplyfy I just created one field and on the form and attched it to a seperate table. I inserted one option button and tied it to the same field. When I click the option button, the field in the form and on the...
I tried putting it in click event, same results. The error comes when I try to save or exit the form. I've got the option buttons set up in an option group and they are linked to seperate fields. I need to have it return a 1 or a zero into the appropriate field.
I think I'm close. I keep getting "error evaluating check constraint" errors. You are correct in that the form is bound to the table. I am setting a button (option 61) with =[Option61]=Abs([Option61] in the AfterUpdate section. Am I douing it incorrectly?
First, thanks for the help. Second what I am trying to do is have the -1 show up as +1 on all tables and reports I run. I have 4 option buttons to choose from and I would like to have the one that is checked return the 1 and the others 0 so I can calculate totals.
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