If i select an view, does my source table get locked?
I have made an view called "view_partij" of my partij.dbf
I use the code "select * from view_partij.
? isflocked("view_partij") is True
? isflocked("partij") is false
Maybe other lockes are set when i select my view_partij.
I am seaching for a way to copy a table without locking the source table.
I have troubles when i do an select to the source table.
what for code should i use
my source table is "partij"
and my dest "crs_partij" or "tmp_partij
I have made an program in VFP
But my report locks the partij table
When i start my report an sql query runs an shows the report
That works fine.
but when i close my report my tables are locked witch i use in my sql query that i use for my report.
How can i use select * from partij without...
i want to put two fields in one field
code is:
Aanhef.dear_desc + Persoon.dsp_naam AS TEST
my result is this:
"dear john "
i want my result to be:
"dear john"
how can i do that?
i have tryed:
LEFT(Aanhef.dear_desc,LEN(Aanhef.dear_desc)) + Persoon.dsp_naam AS TEST
but with...
*My code
SELECT * FROM rolk1;
ORDER BY rolnummer, soort, rec_ord, id_ord;
INTO TABLE rolkaart;
How can i close only the rolkaart table?
Hello everyone,
I want to have my adres field at an bigger width. (80 char)
This is my code.
IIF(LENC(caddress1) => 0, "contact", "persoon") AS src,;
IIF(LENC(caddress1) => 0, cacct_name, pacct_name) AS bedr_naam,;
IIF(LENC(caddress1) => 0, caddress1, paddress1) AS adres;
UPDATE dossier;
SET rol_datum = ( SELECT maxdatum.rol_datum;
FROM max_datum;
WHERE maxdatum.dos_id = dossier.rec_id);
( SELECT maxdatum.rol_datum;
FROM maxdatum;
WHERE maxdatum.dos_id = dossier.rec_id);
What is wrong? I get a error "Function name is missing ).
Something like this????
REPLACE ALL dossier.rol_datum WITH maxdatum.rol_datum ;
FOR dossier.rec_id == maxdatum.dos_id ;
IN dossier
I get an "Data type mismatch" error.
I have two tables Dossier and Rolhand
I'am trying to get the newest date from table rolhand into dossier. <-- Text in Red
I'am using virutal field, but i can't get it to work.
Table: Dossier
*DOS_ID Rol_id Rol_date
------ -+--------------+------------
1 05dak-91...
Later i tryed this one:
SELECT MAX(Rolhand.rol_datum) AS datum FROM trv_bv!dossier INNER JOIN trv_bv!rolhand ON Dossier.rec_id = Rolhand.dos_id WHERE Rolhand.dos_id = ( "0000000040" ) ORDER BY Dossier.dos_id, Rolhand.rol_datum
No results. But when i type this direct in one query it works fine.
When i put this in a query:
SELECT MAX(Rolhand.rol_datum) AS datum FROM trv_bv!rolhand WHERE Rolhand.dos_id = ( "0000000040" )"
I get one result "04-04-2004" it works!!!! wow!
But when i put the code in an virtual vield in Microsoft Visual FoxPro 8.0 i don't get any result.
My question for...
I am using Microsoft Visual FoxPro 8.0, i don't know if i can use SQL/Fox pro code.
I use another virtual vield and this one is working!!
dossier.cost_code i use to get the vield cost_desc in table cost.
Now i want to use dossier.dos_id...
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