in my program,i use err.eraise to handle the error. but when the program run ,there is message box show "run time error '6'" and close this program. when i debug in the debug mode,err.description is "please enter a valid double decimal number".
what is the problem?
In a machine with win98, but without vb development enviroment, MSHFlexgrid can work in program(developed by vb)but it can't work in html page.
this control was distributed and registered by setup program, and i have checked it in the regedit.
if i installed vb development enviroment there, it...
the same thing. how to use MSHFlexgrid control in html page?in the same machine the control in forms(other vb program) can work , but it just can't work in html page.
any idea to distribute this control?
thank for any help!
it makes me crazy!! i can't use MSHFlexGrid on a webpage.i use it in many PCs(all with vb6) , but when i tested the page in our test PC,it can't work.
MSHFlexGrid is registed with OS. so why i can't use that?
thanks ,Kirilla
but the data is in the attributes, and i found the nodevalue property in MSDN, and it is read/write. it seems we can use that.
do anyone know how to modify the data in DOM?
i try the modify the nodevalue, like:
rowNode.Attributes.Item(j).nodeValue = "Modified Data"
but it can't work.
hi, everyone
i have a hirarchical recordset binding to MSHFlexGrid. how to search data in band(0), band(1),...and show the search result ?
i can search all the cell, but don't know how to just search columns just in band(1), band(2)...
or can i search all the cells and return the result cell's...
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