All, I have two spread sheets, on sheet 1 we have 5 columns. Column A has a the Key. Sheet two has 3 columns with column A as the Key matching sheet 1. What I'm trying to do is move information from sheet 2 (Column B and C) into column D and Column E on sheet one based on the Primary Key that is...
Skip, Thanks for the help. I get what your doing. I setup your data set to try and get the same answers as you but luck. In C3 is where I have placed you code but I have a feeling that is not where is supposed to be. Where am I going wrong? Thanks again!
Im try to modify data in a spread sheet (see image attached). I know this is an IF statement. 1. IF Column A is the same number, 2. AND has both 14 and 18 in Column B, 3. THAN delete BOTH Columns. Im just stuck on the Syntax. Thanks for the help!
I need to block port 80 using Windows 10 firewall which I can do. But I also need to allow a specific website using IE on port 80. Is this possible and how?
mmerlinn/BillyRayPreachersSon I have no intention of having anyone wrinting my code or doing my job as you assume. I can do that for myself. As with last bit of code someone provided which did not work I made it work but I could not have done it with out there help and that's what Im looking...
Thanks for the help MrBelfry. The first code gave me some random number in the grand total. The second bit of code broke the code so no number appeared in the Grand Total.
Hola all, have a "how to" question. I have a form that I wrote (with the help of the you all) that takes a quantity, multiplies it by a fixed price then gives me the subtotal. Then at the bottom of the form it gives a grad total.
What I need to do is, before it displays the grand total I need...
I figured it out.
This is what I had:
<input readonly="readonly" align="middle" size="10" border="0" name="unmform_Series1_PriceA" value="Price A" />
This is what I changed:
<input readonly="readonly" style="display:none;" align="middle" size="10" border="0" name="unmform_Series1_PriceA"...
The issue with that is, when I remove the value Price A from the code then it doesn't show up on the web page itself. I guess I want to hide it from the CMS and keep it on the web page...
This turned out to be not so easy....
The CMS will output anything with the "unmform_" which in this case is 'Series1_PriceA'. The issue I have here is that I want the 'Series1_PriceA' but I dont want 'Price A'.
we did this for user to get onto MSN
Command Line:
"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
Working Directory
"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
this uses the servers browser so keep that in mind....
Hola all, here is a easy one for you all. I have an input box that has the value of Price A (See Below). When submitted to our CMS, the output is:
Series1 PriceA Price A
All I want to output is the 'Series1 PriceA'.
Is there any way to do this without Java or CSS?
Hello all, I need some help in changing from a CASE statement to an IF statement. Below is the CASE statement that needs changing.
I'm trying to use the SQL Enterprise Manager and it seems to not like CASE statements.
Thanks all!!!
WHEN [BookLine].[FirstNumber] =...
We are looking for a formula that will sort through a column of email address and remove email address that are in there only one time. Leaving us with only the emails that are listed more then once.
I have a three colum sheet that has accout numbers in one colum (A), dollars in another (B), and . Colum A may have the same account listed more then once. If this is the case, i need to add the numbers in colum B that corrospond with colum A. And put them in Colum C Any ideas? Thanks!
Colum A...
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