For ARCservIT 6.61 we used to use a Compaq DLT single tape drive. It has been replaced by a Dell DLT 4000. Restore does not work, though backup does. However backup is meaningless without the ability to restore. I suspect the drive was not installed or configured properly. Does compression...
The DLT drive was changed. It used to be a Compaq drive, but a person who left the company said the Compaq DLT drive was his, and he replaced it with the DELL DLT 4000. I have had the suspicion all along the issue is a compatability, but I have not had to restore anything in my tenure here.
Thanks! I have copied the ARCserveIT Database folder. I stopped all services before doing this. Is it possible this could be due to some compatability isue between a Dell DLT drive and a compaq system? My gut tells me this. I see 'Unreadable Media format' until I initialize a tape...
I am unable to restore files. I backed up one file after doing a long erase on DLT. Subsequent Backup finished without error. Upon attempting to restore the file I see an error indicating 'invalid session header signature'. The tapes are good. I have tried multiple tapes and am getting the...
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