Sorry to hear you were feeling poorly. Hope all is well.
I've been replacing files (mostly .exe files in my Windows/System folder) as needed with pretty good luck. I can get back on the 'net. I've had to re-install about 25% of my programs, but that is more of a pain than anything else.
As soon...
I am using Win98SE, with Norton 2002 Systemworks (sorry, should have included this the first time).
The *.VIR & *.VIx files are in the same folder as the original file is. I don't think anything is in the quaratine folder except old .exe files from the Opaserv cleaning (I can't really tell...
Hello to all.
I had gotten the Opaserv worm & with it, the W95.Spaces.1445 virus. I got rid of the Opaserv (thank you for all the help with that, BTW) & managed to use rescue disks with Norton to get repair of all but 2 files from the W95.Spaces. The two files left infected are EBRR.VI9 (out of...
Thanks for the sites.
The infected computer is not on-line at the moment. The virus has messed with my internet connection so I can't run any of the site-based ones right now (I did go ahead & check this computer though). The ones I can d/l & move to it I'll try soon.
KimberTech, it was actually...
Thank you both for the help. I'll be away from the infected computer for a few days, but will try this when I return.
BuckeyeComputers, I think you are right that there is more going on. I ran Norton for about the 5th time & it started to turn up W95.Space.1445 (I think that's right) in quite a...
First, I must apologize for even being here but I am desperate.
I managed to set up a small, two computer network and after all of 1 day, got this virus. I ran Norton virus scans and found 655 infected files. Repaired all but 18 & moved the rest to quarentine (which I now cannot get to because...
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