i had the same problem recently and started an identical thread which went unanswered - perhaps it's just not possible ?
one possible solution which occurred to me was to not have an upload form but a normal form with a normal button ( which does behave with css ) and do it all with scripting -...
also check
"In a FRAMESET and FRAME relationship, an onLoad event within a frame (placed in the BODY tag) occurs before an onLoad event within the FRAMESET (placed in the FRAMESET tag)."
in the <BODY> tag of your frame source put
or to follow abive example you could have
var docloaded = false;
<body onLoad='docloaded=true;'>
hope that helps
you can change the mouse pointer using CSS
eg. style='cursor: help;' gives you a pointer with a question mark
there are a number of possible cursors you can have ( check out a CSS reference website (or the html/css forum)
however if you want your own image to appear as the pointer then that's...
hi all,
basically what i want to do is to change the attributes of a class using javascript
for example
.myclass { color: blue }
and there are lots of elements on the page that have class=myclass
Can you do somehting like myclass.color = 'red' to affect all of the elements with that class or...
i just read another thread with a similar problem ( table style in nn) and someone suggested trying background:#ffffff instead of background-color
hope that helps
i might be wrong but at a quick look i would say:
the code segment for ( // If the username is correct )
sets the location and then sets vErrors = ''
which would result in the function returning a true value to the onsubmit event
( that's assuming that the execution of the function code doesn't...
yes but:
(v.sorry - i wasn't at all clear in my question)
i already tried as suggested but the problem is that whilst the text input displays with the specified style,
the browse button that appears is the standard old grey button.
some style attributes are followed ( if you do a...
does anybody know how you can apply css to the browse button you get when you create a file upload form
( <input type=file name=uploadfile> )
thanks in advance
i think you can do all that quite easily with the LWP module but as i haven't used that before and am in a bit of a rush i'm afraid i can't help more than that
(you can get the lwp module from http://www.CPAN.org )
good luck
if the purpose is to turn user input into list elements you could always do it after they've left the field
set onBlur to call a function which could replace any \n with \n<li>
you would have to check that you weren't doing a replacment that had already been done! ( eg. \n<li> to \n<li><li> )
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