I have 10 scripts that will be using 10 different dial directory. In my computer I have 4 modems. The scritps will start automaticaly by a batch job, and since I have 4 modems there will 4 procomm session running 4 scripts. Without be able to select what modem is not being used I can't remove...
When my script started, I want to be able to figure out which of the modem that is not currently in used and use it to dial out. This way I don't have to configure an entry in the connection directory with certain modem connection.
fopen failed when open a file with a network path liked: //serv1\test\file.txt
Currently I have map the '//serv1' to a drive(p) and then open it like this: p:/test/file.txt the it works fine
Is there a way to open a file on a network path without mapping to a logical drive first?
I am using Microsoft VC++ 6.0 to create a DLL from the Sample DLL that came with the PRocom plus CD. The DLL was succesfull created withou and warnings or errors.
And I can load the DLL from the ASCPECT script just fine but it always failed after the 'dllcall'. Why????
Thanks for all the...
I couldn't send any keyboard stroke to a dos shell window.
Here is my aspect script:
proc main
integer TaskID
integer WinId
set aspect keys on
winminimize $PWMAINWIN
run "cmd" TaskID
taskwin TaskId WinId
winfocus WinId
sendkeystr "dir`r"...
It seems that pwzip does not like space in directory name.
Is there a way do this with pwzip. And by the way what is purpose of the `x01 characters in the that follow target path and source path in pwzip command line?
I tried the folowing and can't get it to work:
source =...
I have a situation that I have to wait for either:
(1) "Press any key for more"
(2) "Command:?"
The problem is I don't know which on the above will arrive.
If I am using the 'when' command with 'target' then I can't
return the original caller. For example:
proc main...
I am using NT and connect to a LAN. I want to send myself an email when the scipt is done. I tried the 'mapi' command and it keeps give me an error "LOgin failed"
Thanks for your help
There is a default download path in procomp however I want
to change this location at runtime. Is there a command or key word I can use to change this setup
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