Thanks guys but no luck again. At the moment it not a big problem as i'm only testing on the localhost and so don't necessarily need the root password setting.
It will only be a problem once I have this on a live system, then I may have to think about a complete reinstall of windows etc to see...
That sounded like a good idea but it still says the say error message. Any other ideas?
Do you think it is solely a mysql issue or could it possibly be a problem with any other settings - though everything else works fine and I am able to test dynamic data etc on the localhost?
strange - it keeps saying the same error message. I have just tried uninstalling everything and starting again but everytime I try adding a password in it fails. I have read the help file but it more or less says what you have told me.
Not exactly. I basically rick click on the root icon and edit, then change the password there. However when I click test it comes up with the same message as before. It's only when I leave this blank and click on test that it succeeds?? It just doesn't allow me to set up a password - very...
i have tried this through mysql-cc but this does'nt seem to work. basically if i set the password through mysql-cc then it comes up with the same message each time i login to mysql-cc and it stops my using the service altogther.
this is the latest version i.e. ver 4 and my os is Win xp pro.
not sure what you mean by "going through ODBD" - i have odbc setup and i am going through dos to check.
I can connect to the databases etc through dreamweaver, for example, and am able to test and insert records etc...
I'm having problems with setting up the password under the root user. it seems to accept my password changes but when i try to access a command it comes up with the server at localhost failed followws by the above statement with (using password yes). I have tried uninstalling and...
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