Have found the solution. There is a -e flag under AIX telnet which overrides terminal-type negotiation. The session I had open was vt220 emulation. Using telnet -e vt100 made std out "visible".
Just thought I'd let you know. Still surprised that it works when entered manually from the...
Hmmm, sectorseveng, not a difference of opinion - just that you know what you're talking about and I, well, don't *BLUSH*
Anyway, it appears that the telnet seems to execute whats in the here document (now that I know what that is *blush*) but just does not return any output. Most annoying...
I think AIX telnet does accept here documents. Here is the same command entered manually at the prompt ...
[dmld01@amppsdmd1]DRIDMSPT:/home/dmld01>telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Worked out the "time" problem. There is a built in "time" function in ksh which works differently from /usr/bin/time. So, if you want to redirect the std err then you have to specify the path to use the correct "time".
Now, if I could only figure out the telnet...
We are moving from an old HPUX box to a new AIX box and are having a few problems with standard UNIX utilities on the AIX box.
Firstly telnet.
We have a script with the following code
telnet $Host 80 <<-EOF > $WebPageFile 2>$TelnetError
GET http://${Host}/$LogonScreen
The result in...
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