I saw someone save their Access 2000 project as HTML with "Save as..." and it did pretty much what you want. The code was horrible and unwieldy, but it seemed to work.
In a text area, the 'value' goes in between the tags. So, for instance...
<TEXTAREA id=txtacomm style="WIDTH: 482px; HEIGHT: 76px" name=txtacomm cols=68 tabindex = 16>test</TEXTAREA>
I tend to check the RecordCount of the returned recordset and if so, display a message and stop processing. Where RS is your recordset, an example would be:
if RS.RecordCount = 0 then
response.write "No records were returned"
Have you tried this without the OR? Theoretically, you don't need it because Category=1 is one of the conditions covered by CategoryID <> ''. I'd write it as:
SELECT * FROM dbo.products WHERE (CategoryID LIKE '%') AND (ProductName LIKE '%%') AND (CategoryID <> '') ORDER BY ProductName;
Dear Ann,
Another way of doing this would be to store two session variables when the user logs in. One holds the amount of time that particular user is allowed, and the other holds the time of login. Leo's JavaScript could then be modified to add the two session variables. If the result is more...
Dear Biff,
I too have had similar problems and, like Cirrus, it was because of busy servers. There were thousands of users on the same server, and a limit on the amount of concurrent database connections. At busy times of the day, all my database-driven pages fell over. Other ASP & HTML pages...
Dear Terry,
I think the question you are asking is about how you share variables between client-sided VBScript and the VBScript ran server-side inside ASP pages. The honest answer is that you can't. The ASP page runs on the server, creates a web-page, and then ceases. The results (the web-page)...
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