Thank you. You led me in the right direction. One of my problems was that the first record was a "initial Balance" record and the code was set up so that a pagebreak was the first thing that was requested. It couldn't do it because it was already at a page break (I think). At...
With the code below, the only way can get the pagebreaks to work is to include the Rows("16:16").Select line. However, I need to have the pagebreak be variable. If I comment out the Rows line and depend on the Cells(z, 1).Select line, I get an error "Runtime error '1004'...
With the code below, the only way can get the pagebreaks to work is to include the Rows("16:16").Select line. I need to have the pagebreak be variable. However, if I comment out the Rows line and depend on the Cells(z, 1).Select line, I get an error "Runtime error '1004'...
I am trying to combine two excel files into one using the code below. When I execute the code only the FIST cell of the second file gets appended. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
Thanks, Bob
Sub CombineFiles(x)
Workbooks.Open Filename:="U:\docs\PO IN.xls"
' Count...
I am a new user of VB and need to be able to combine two similar files into one. So far I have opened both files and been able to "copy" the second file.
I also have been able to count the number of rows in the first file. The question is:
How do I set set up the Range with the row...
Being new to Visual Basic I am wondering if anyone knows how to sort an array when the number of columns are set, but the number of rows vary.
Thanks for any help you can give,
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