Hi all!
I hope someone out there can help. I have multiple domains. (aaa.com, bbb.com, ccc.com) that are all registered. I'd like to configure exchange to handle the accounts for each of the domains. It's currently running messaging for aaa.com. Can someone let me know what I'd need to...
Thanx for the info and sorry for the lag, I think I do have an DNS issue.
I set up 2 DNS servers Windows 2000 Advanced Server) "ops" and "media1". my ISP is PacBell. ops is the primary DNS server with a MX entry. the DNS entris are all duplicatd on media1. None of my...
Yeah you're right :o) I did figure that out, however the transport is slow and I'm not recieving mail on it.
Sending: Mail seems to hang and remain queued on the server. I can force the server to send and it does...otherwise it hangs for appx 7 hrs. Do you know how to address this...
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