I am trying to find a year to date totals on checks that have been run.
Here is what i am running:
if {CGD_DIST_HEADER.CHECK_DATE}> DateTime (2001, 12, 31,00, 00, 00)then Sum ({CGD_DIST_DETAIL.CHECK_AMOUNT})
This is giving me everything. But I just want the sum where the check date is after...
I am builing a report that is a check and need to convert the amount to the number in text: For example: $25,000.00 to Twenty Five Thousand Dollars.
How do I do this?
I am trying to create a fomula on a sub-total. When I try the first line alone it runs fine. But then I start putting in the "or" data, I keep getting an error message that a boolean is required after the "then". Why? What am I doing wrong?
if {#RTotal0} > "1"...
HELP!!! I am totally new to JSP and Tomcat and am trying to get a site working on a new server. But the old programmer "tweaked" tomcat to run with our scripts.
Unfortunatley, I don't know what he did.
Here is the error I am getting. Any help would be great!!!
Error: 500...
In Crystal 6, there was a way to create an exe file for someone to execute a rpt that did not have crysatl loaded on thier box. Was it removed in CR 8?
If not, how do you do it?
I am using Crystal 6 for this.
So If I created a parameter field, and placed it on the report, thenn compiled, it would let me modify the selection criteria?
I cerated a report for a client previously where after I compiled, the end user could change the criteria of the select expert when running the exe file.
I am trying to do this again, except when he needs to search by is not exact. So I tried creating the select expert criteria...
How do I create a prompt, so that when a report is run, it asks me for a filter.. for example a date. That it would ask me for a date that I could folter my report by?
I want to substitute text from a value.
the formula i am using is
if {Calls.DialResult}=201 then "Voice Connect" and
if {Calls.DialResult}=203 then "Fax Machine"
but the formula editor keeps asking me for a boolean. What am i missing?
When I just run the first...
I use a report with a new database everyday and change the set location. Is there a way to have the name of the database I am connecting to print on the report as a field instead of me retyping it in everyday. I found under special fields that I could put the name of the report, but I need the...
I have a report where I need a total of the records. Problem is there are duplicates. So if I remove the dups, the count is still of the whole. So I created a group. I just need to get a count of the groups now, but I can't seem to get the formula editor right. any help?
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